



(Stupid music, of your choice)





One time, when 🤴🏼👱‍♂️ Brian, was still 🤣exited, about becoming 👑Emperor, he had a😱⚡ shock.

His opponent, had an even worse tragedy😱😱. I wonder, how the stranger survived.🤺

My husband👱‍♂️👑, went on a quest, to sting, a 💊💉drug-smuggling-ring. Well, that's what the disembodied voice, from the 🏅 amulet, sent him👱‍♂️👑, to do.

👑👱‍♂️He arrived in, a garage, where,👱‍♂️👑he was immediately ambushed. As he was surrounded, by a mötley crew. (1️⃣)

👱👑Brian, was confused, by what was happening. It didn't seem, like his usual raid. This wasn't a unified group. Plus, there was no sign of drugs, or anything.

One fellow, who, seemed like, "The leader of the pack"🗡🤺. (2️⃣), thought that, he would attack, the Emperor👱👑, with a big "wind-up", like in base ball, except that (🤺 the leader) had a 🗡machete, which is a huge knife, 🗡usedf for fighting.🤺

Well, Brian↔️Brandan, 👱‍♂️🤴🏼👑🤫was wearing his new, translucent, transparent armor, which somehow

"💥💣 SHATTERED ‼️🤺🗡💪💥.


THE WHOLE ‼️🤺🗡💪💥.


AS WELL AS ‼️🤺🗡💪💥.

THE ‼️🤺🗡💪💥



WERE 💪🤺🗡️💥


AND ‼️🤺



AND ‼️



That had to hurt. 😱😱‼️🤺🗡💪🤢😫💥.









GO ❓

That's right, folks!

As you might guess, this was what shocked (Emperor Brian ↔️Brandan, my husband)👱‍♂️🤴🏼👑🅱🙀💥. He let out an awesome angry, anguished, silenced scream, as he was jolted, and horrified. He was PETRIFIED ‼️ as a strange statue. It was like magic, how he suddenly became a human mannequin, with a look of sheer horror, on his features. (not plastic, like in the stores,)🤴🏼👱‍♂️🙀


(Remember, All capital letters, one word at a time, with red exclamation points, and emojis, to show, what happened, to THIS PERSON)

⬇️ ↕️ ↕️ ⬇️

This "Leader of the Pack ", Stood there, without any thing coming out, of his exposed shoulder socket. It was dry, clean, shiny, and white, like a bowl, right next to his chest. ‼️


The would be assassin🤺🗡, actually passed-out, after emitting a horrendously ANGUISH-sounding yell. 🤺🗡😱🤬🗣🩸 😵

It would have been similar, to the bloodcurdling screaming intensity as Brian was doing. Only Brian was succumbing to someone's spell, which (again) silenced him somehow. While, WE COULD NOT HEAR, THE EMPEROR SCREECHING OUT HIS BRAINS, 👑👱🥵🙀











After this incredibly intense experience, I found, the machete-sward man, in bed, with his own arm restored. It was like a brand - new real extention of his body. There weren't any signs, of age, sun, or any other types of damage. It was the color, of that arm, from, when he was born. We do have pictures, from, his history.

Otherwise, The UNBELIEVABLY renewed "shoulder, to fingertips, was extremely accurate. It was like a naturally, muscle toned, mirror image replica, of the other arm. That is, it was smooth, and exactly like, a new born baby's. Course, we're talking about a 17 year old man's "shoulder, to fingertips," which as a whole, was the same, size and shape, as, before, the attack.



Again, I don't know, How he🤺🗡 survived.❓❓ Maybe, all of the Emperor's people, were skilled magical, medical👩🏼‍🔬🧑🏽‍🚀👨‍🚒🧙‍♂️🧙‍♀️🧙🏽🩺💊🩸💉🛏⛑🥣 ⚗🧪🧫marvels.☆ Maybe, they had this potion,🥣🍵🧫🧪⚗ like, "skell-you-grow"🧴🧽 (Something like that), out of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" JK Rowling, Author.☆


I DON'T know, how the whole (shoulder, to fingers, to machete-sward tip) complex scattered‼️ Nothing was left. ‼️

(Not even, a Harry Potter arm, minus the bones, existed). No blood 🩸🩸🩸.

The whole phenomenal, superheroes event, was UNBELIEVABLY EXCRUCIATING, for, everyone, in so many ways‼️BOOM ‼️💣 💣 💣

Hay! That's the story, that I got, about what I witnessed, after the impact, of metal, to the fancy shiny armor.

I think it was true, as I was one of the first responders. Which means, I saw everything, for myself. Well, almost everything. I still don't know, where the arm went, as it certainly wasn't there, when, I came, yet, it was permanently restored, to its original splendor, minus any scars, scratches, broken, or fused (mended, fixed, healed) parts, from, the body, all the way, to the fingertips.🩺🩹💉💊🧫🧪🔋There wasn't any blood at any time, even at impact 🩸🩸🩸🩸 ‼️‼️


(see details of the Teseract, at the NOTES 29-31. The first time, that I heard of it, was, in "A Wrinkle in Time" a novel, by Madeleine L'Engle ". ⚗🧪🔋🧴🍵🧙‍♂️🧙‍♀️🧙🏽🧙🏽‍♂️🧙🏿‍♀️🧙🏻🦹🏿‍♂️🛌‼️‼️


(stupid music, of your choice, playing)


"ℹ️ℹ️👩‍🦰911 Empress Estephanie Vitality, Special daily news presentation of 'Sudden, Strange, Stupid, Stupefying, Stupendous, Superstitious, supercilious, superhero, Supernatural, Supposedly impossible, paranormal Phantom Phenomenon, amazing, Magical Mysterious, Mystical, Misty, Tragic, Terrible Trauma, Instant incredible transformations of time, matter, and space, that actually did happen to actual, amazing normal human beings.

Issued on : Year 12 : Month 7 : Week 47 : Day 6; of Empress Stephanie, and Emperor Brian↔️Brendan's Empirical Rein.

More Reinforced Reincarnations.

" ℹ️ℹ️ 911 EMPRESS STEPHANIE VITALITY, IS ISSUING, AN Excellent, Especially ubiquitous example, of the Real, reality, of The Vitality Realm.




(Whose "Shoulder to fingertips", were obliterated, when he used

a machete, to strike, Emperor Brian). REPORT, BY STEPHANIE, WHO AM ME‼️"

I was Screaming Dramatically, as I recounted this Real-Life Nightmare type of monstrosity, as it was excruciatingly painful, as well as completely insanely impossible!

Here is another answering, abusive, and absolutely absurd oxymoron alteration, of a babbling brook, called an awesome alternative alliteration:


¿¿ What was the Nightmare❓


"miraculously, mysteriously, mystically, and magically missing pulverized pulp of tiny dust", that formerly was a 17 Year-old's brawny brown *shoulder to fingertips natural human anatomy unit*, suddenly, surreptitiously, and stupifyingly, returned to its owner, completely rejuvenated, reinforced and renewed in a very visible, versitlte version, of reincarnation, of the formerly demolished, invisible, and then missing anatomy, and skeleton. The new (actual 💪 human, Not prosthetic 🦾, Not from another person) Regrown, reformed, Anatomical Unit, permanently pulsed and properly protuded, from the fortunately restored Seventeen year old "Drug King Pen", who looked more like The Leader of The Pack, of a Mötley Crew, of hastily assembled "Warriors" of various types. They had one or two things, ... : A navy hat, with summer street clothes ; A marine's cover (hat) with an oversized sweater, and baggy pants ; A mixture, of two military - uniforms, which was a full Navy Lieutenant's too-big, full dress uniform, with an Army Jacket. Some other gang members, were there, before I responded, to the call, of complete anarchy, and chaos. Whatever messes, that were in the room, disappeared, before my supercilious special arrival, in stunning, stupidly translucent transparent armor, that wasn't yet treated, with something, to repel, or shatter anything.



Another time, my man👱‍♂️🤴🏼👑 (Brian), was teleported mysteriously, mystically, magically and mystifyingly, to a deathly, 💥booming

war zone‼️‼️


to treat the wounded🧠🫀🫁🦷🦴👀🦾🦿🚑🦼.

He pulled-out, several enormous, actual "circus tent sized" blankets, that were foolproof-ly secured, inside a sandwich, of his own Vitality Armor, that was like Batman's cape.

Luxurious bed coverings, that were each big enough, to house Barnum and Bailey's Circus; were laminated, on both sides, between 2 layers of the same material, that disintegrated, all of the machete attacker's shoulder, to fingertips, as well as the whole huge knife, when its blade, struck Brian. Okay. 2 layers of this important, impervious, infinitely durable material, was on either side of a blanket, that was insulated, heated, cooled, originated, and even had food and water in it. Also, the people were supposedly able to make protective suits, to cover themselves, like I did. Okay, how'd they do that?

How can I make clothing, out of that complicated, heavy, giant massive sealed mess?

How is it, that he just happened to have one, let alone several, in his military-sized backpack?

Anyway, the Emperor, helped people, by covering them, and everything in the warzone, with the unbelievably unbelievable tarps, that responsibly recycled cleansed and enhanced fortified air, into, and outside of the overlapping tents. They all had all the actual vegan 🍲 food, with everything that they needed, for several days. All the cleaned, purified, filtered water, that was also fortified, was always available. The Emergency Medical Teams, could do everything, that they needed to do. No lost life, limb, or digit, was taken, from anybody.

When, the warring monarchies noticed, that the battle ground, was completely, and properly protected, from, "THE ONSLAUGHTS FROM ABOVE the Earth", (All kinds of bombs 💣 🚀✈☄🔥🪔🪨🪵🛸🚁🚠🪂🌩⛈☄🔥🏹🪓🗼⚡🌋🧱

and bullets, missiles ... they hollered, "CEASE FIRE ‼️‼️"

Would you believe, the 🎯 targets, were totally invincible, underneath, the "Batman" inspired, enormous blankets?

When no body, was getting injured, except for the bombers, (Bing bang boom Ricochet Rabbit) Whatever someone dropped, on the tarp, bounced right back, even a missile, on that treacherous trampoline.

Both warring countries, called, "CEASE FIRE ‼️‼️"

Until they were blue in the face, and crying. The Royalties Royally hurt their own throats, with all of that abuse, called, "Screeching".

Time for Honey🍯, to heal the problem, to prevent infections.

Brian 👱👑⛑🪖walked through the smoke, from 🔥fires, all the way, to the "used-to-be" or former fighting Monarchies. 🕍🕌🏯🏰

The first one, was a despot. (Despot: Usually, a mean and ruthless person, with complete authority, over a country, ). This formerly 👹🤬😈😡👿👺scary leader, POLITELY 🙂opened the castle🕍🚪 door, himself. He had mixed emotions,😀😶🤔😔🥵😳😳😄😡🥺😿🙀😀😶 as he lifted his 👑crown, from, his 🧓 head, so he could put it, on 👱‍♂️Brian's head, instead. (It is, a good thing, that my husband, already removed his own crown, as well as his helmet, and face-shield. The former despot, pledged allegiance, to, Brian V. Vitality, of Vitality Realm. This unusually sad, and friendly castle owner🧓, also pledged allegiance, to🤵🏿🇺🇸 President Barack Hussein Obama II , of the USA 🇺🇸 world power. 🤴🏼Brian also bowed, his lifetime service, to 🤵🏿🇺🇸 This president. The Vitality Islands, are part of Connecticut, USA. 🇺🇸

The 👸🏾monarch, who was fighting the 👹🧓dictator, held a similar ceremony, for her new 🤴🏼Emperor, and her 🤵🏿President.

The same thing, happened to 👩‍🦰 me, only, the war was still exploding around me, for a while, on my way, to the first 🏰🏰 castle, in my annexations, to Vitality, USA🇺🇸. I think, that I told you about that. I forget, which chapter, has the "full story" of that bizarrely difficult "second" of time, when I also went to Africa, as a spy. Come to think of that, nearly everyone pledged allegiance, to Vitality Realm👩‍🦰 (Me), and (President Barack Hussein Obama II of) USA🤵🏿🇺🇸. (Probably, the chapter, directly before, the summary, of my "African Experience". I wasn't in Africa, for the first 2 annexations anyway. I didn't know where I was, before I got to Africa, due to the total destruction all around me.

Chapter 25

partially edited chapter

(Still thinking, that Aunt Shirley was doing all of this time-machine stuff)

(Still under Aunt Shirley's time manipulation)

When Megan, first danced into

the café, a certain young man, noticed her. Her entrancing

entrance, captivated everyone.

She seemed to have more stamina, and grace, than the other people

, as she frolicked, for hours.

While one spectacular Megan Vitality, swirled round, and round, another one, excitedly

fast-marched, over to Tom's table, with a steaming hot plate, of his favorite food, and some tasty

fortified grape juice.

"Pardon me," she said softly,

to get his attention, not to

spook him.

He jumped, with a noise, that

was quickly silenced. He looked

whiter than usual, and "did he

look scared?!"

Since, My sister, was a little

ways away, from him, he did not bump into her.

"I'm so sorry, sir. I didn't intend

to disturb you. I'm Megan Vitality.

My Aunt Shirley somehow

managed to manipulate time,

like "Back to the Future",

you see the movie?"

"Yes. I did, see the Back to the Future Trilogy Movies. Well, that explains why I see two of

you right now. You are sent

through time," He was still

struggling, scared, and now

stupidly Sitting as a

stupefied statue,

with his maw agape

Mouth wide open, so Megan

could look down his throat, to

check his tonsils).

"We are not a cod fish, Sir". (Reference, "Mary Poppins",

starring Julie Andrews.)

He slowly regained his confused company composite composure.

(He still looked startled, yet he

also looked, more like a

professional business man.)

"Well, now that you're looking

better, perhaps you'd like some

food. I gardened these vegetable , and fruits. I also prepared this

myself, as I always do. I

am not only the head

everything, in my café, I am also

the Lieutenant Governor, Mayor

, and the high queen, of the

growing Realm, among

other things".

"Stunning". The poor guy said, as he looked like a sickly fish, with

mouth wide open.

"0h, I didn't mean to hurt you,

with my superstitious superstitious appearance, and my babbling

brook, of a mouth." She was hysterical, at first. Secondly, she thought she could, calm down.

Thirdly so she could make fun of herself. It Worked!

Everyone in the room,

was laughing, even the other

Megan. She collapsed, in a chair,

as she tried to talk through the

myth. Finally, she found freshening fortitude, to fortify herself, long enough to say, "Wow! Am I mess! I didn't know that, those pranksters, would have me dance for days.

Then, when you finally notice,

that I'm also able to do other

things here, due to the time

-machine effect ... Hysterical laughing ... You nearly die, in

your chairs. Laughing ... Deep gulp

of air, "The worst part, was

watching myself as I did

things! Wow! How revolting!".

The group, who was laughing,

until now, suddenly stopped.

The Lieutenant Governor, over by Tom, started to radiate

unsheathed anger. (She already served Tom).

She rushed her self (Who wants

to be insulted, by anyone?)

Not realizing = Not remembering

= Not noticing

As raging Megan, rushed

over to the dancer Megan, they crashed into each other.

Matching wounds covered

each of them, as they

were the

same person. The attacker, really relentlessly got revenge, until she realized, what she was doing.

I was ultimately summoned, at

this unforgivably late,

moment. I wish someone would

never turn-off my

medical alert Fast Forward


I just scooped the two girls

, into my arms. I new that I got someone to create a hospital,

area, so that I could tend to

both off them. I really wanted to merge them back together, yet

I'm not a witch.

Even Though, my emergency

room work lasted for quite

a while, no one noticed anything, due to Aunt Shirley's witchcraft.

One second the horribly injured

girls are in my arms, yet, the

next second, they are sitting, in separated chairs. They were fully rejuvenated, and calm. They were also wearing different

dresses, than previously.

A loud laud of

unanimous acclaim,

roared through

out the whole place!

I heard the actual song "

How'd They Do That" ⬇️


chapter 26

After resting there, for a

while, the Megan, who used to dance, went over to her seat,

next to Tom. She put her

head on the clean table, to sob.

Meanwhile, the other

Megan, was compelled to dance.

A warm, large, and gentle hand, rubbed my sister's back, as Tom wanted to comfort her.

Before he thought to say anything, this Megan, piped-up again,

"I hate my life! Imagine attacking someone, just to get all of the punches myself! I forgot, that

"she" is actually another


of me! That's my future self"!

Tom never stopped, rubbing her back.

"I suddenly switched again.

You were comforting the one

who was attacked at first, in

case you were c

onfused, again". Megan.

"That's all right. I didn't

know, which one was which,

anyway. Thanks for the update

. I'm sorry, your Aunt Shirley

, is doing this to you, and your family".

"Thank You!" I said, with

a genuine smile.

"No rest for the weary," the one seated Megan said, as all of our amulets, sounded the alarm. Yet another Megan, was

hollering orders, over

these multiple use golden

gadgets. "Come on, ladies!

Let's go!" Megan (by Tom)

yelled, as the floor, gave way underneath us! Down we went in various ways. I had a nasty

fall, down a shoot! The

Megan who was dancing,

slid on a crazy slide, under

the floor, over to my shoot! Little

girl landed on my head! As she wasn't protected with the armor,

she was knocked-out. Course she

did some spectacular, graceful flips, and acrobatics in midair, after bouncing off of my helmet. Good thing, my crown, fell off of

my armor, already. She hit a

moving wall, as she landed. I

was so angry! What is with

this place? It wreaks of movies!

My talisman sounded. I

gave that girl an earful,

about how: She nearly killed

herself again! I explained the

whole day, to her. "No wonder,

I'm getting "beaten up" all day!

I'm not controlling the booby-traps! I'm innocent! I'm in Head Quarters"!

All of the Megans, who were

floating in time, suddenly

appeared, in the Hospital.

Another voice, (That Witch!)

intoned, in a horrified voice.

Too late, to repent! YOU WITCH !

I had to soldier on, alone. As always, I had so many adventures, that needed to take place

spontaneously, and simultaneously, that I couldn't keep track.

I focus, on one one thing, so that I might do it Well !

I was a spy, in some

distant land, where, I found a

circle of people, who

looked scared, till they saw me. I don't think, that

they were used, to wearing white turbans, and white loose

clothes. It looked like a nativity scene.

Directly behind this group of

various races, was the enemy. A group of people

, apparently from the middle east, with green camouflage

, were "up to something"

. I spoke a bunch of

languages, so I

asked questions, of

each person, in the first group

. They answered, in their own language, which was mostly

English, of some sort.

The ones, with

the natural handsome,


features, were surprised,

that, I knew Etiopía's language,

as well as others, in Africa.

The folks from Iran, Iraq, and Afganistán, were equally impressed. I talked with them, about their personal histories, before going on, about mine, and my family's. I told them everything, that I told you. Fortunately, they saw, or heard of all of my references, already. They even

had various devises, to play

each thing, one at a time. It

was fun.

The other group, of people, didn't seem to notice. Strange ! Course,

I am stupid. Since it took so

long for me, to investigate green camouflage, they took out their devices, to watch

Empress Stephanie 911 TV ‼️‼️

Everyone seems to know,

that I have various TV or video cameras, on me, at all times.

Even my amulet, opens up,

to capture my environment.

I wish I could hide in my own bathroom! That's the only place, where nobody can see me,

even if they can monitor my health.

There were other

groups, each with a specific

type of clothing, scattered

around the area.

My watch

stopped, right when I got

to this spot. How'd They do That!

After all the stories, I finally face-palmed! I noticed, we

were stuck in time. I herd the witch's cackle, and my father's groaning.

A new, scary male voice

screeched, "It's

about time!

Get going!"

"Voices came through, on my radio". (Something like the band, Duran Duran).

I asked the gentlemen and

lady, in front of me, if

I was supposed to do something. They didn't know, although,

each one had something for me, which they put in a wonderful, tastefully, thoughtfully embellished bag, fitting an Excellent

Exhilarating Extremely

Extraordinary Elegant Exalted Empress Stephanie

Superior I love

alleration I'm just not that special. Anyway, I didn't object to

their praise. I gave them each, a blanket, which could

be formed into any garment

. It was made out of a soft

, heavenly blanket, sealed in the same translucent transparent body, and everything, armor, that I wore. I always carry these, as I

never know, when I'm going to

be in a war zone. the

blankets, have bui

lt-in luxurious items.

There's plenty of air,

constantly "deep cleaned"

filtered, and adjusted, according,

to one's needs. Plus, a cooling

system. Insulation. Regulates heat. Supplies nourishment, too. I gave them, food supplies, of

vegan fresh and fancy meals,

with protein and everything.

I also gave everyone, a solid

gold, talisman, that was ...

A : Heart monitor ; an incredible, intricate, and highly

accurate health monitor, for everything, in a creature

(circulatory system, fingers, toes, limbs - For example

- arms and legs) as

well as all of the

other systems, and cells, of anyone). It also has a special

video message, from one's own Grandma and

Grandpa. Plus, it's like a radio, telephone, TV, etc.

Aside from

being a hospital on your chest,

it is also a unique keepsake. I

carve a likeness, of your face on each one, that

I give to you, as you age.

Well, it can do more than that! ... .

The different groups, would have grown restless,

if time didn't

actually stand still, so that

they could spend the time

doing what they wanted to

do. Well, it stood still, for

them, so they didn't get hungry,

or have to find a bathroom.

For me, I didn't have those

needs either, as I had to keep moving back and forth,

from one spot to the other.

I'm glad, I didn't have to jump through time. I just had to jump through space. No body saw me leave, to go get my supplies,

to make the amazing amulets.

I was yanked out of the African clearing, seamlessly. It really

felt like a jump. I don't know,

how the witch knew, when

, and how to do things.

The people were surprised

, when the

bag, that they gave to me, was suddenly filled with ... "No Way!" Personalized all purpose amazing amulets. I enjoyed

presenting each talisman, like a medal, for each person,

and their dog too.

I was glad, that I didn't have

to keep them waiting, for me,

while I took care of business.

I finally got to the next group of people. As no time actually

passed, they didn't mind the wait. they looked up, from, what they

were doing. Brian, Megan,

and three more of our strong sisters soldiers suddenly spontaneously materialized. Good Grief, Charlie Goldendoodle Nicoll

(Peanuts comics and animated

movies, from Charles M Shultz

. Good Grief Charlie Brown)

(I didn't know, that one of my

family's dogs, was registered, on

this phone. They live in another state).

I went a short distance, to

where the soldiers, sat. They were sitting "round" a huge solid square oak table. I spoke, to the assembly.

Well, the green camouflage group, surrendered, when they heard me talking clearly to them in their own language, too. They had gifts for

me, so I wanted to give gifts to them. I did. They enjoyed the

victory celebration.

As everything happened in the

same second, I didn't have to do things, in any order. This way, the citizens of Afganistán, could concentrate, on conducting us, to

their local leader, who bowed before me. Someone roused

President Obama, for this one.

They 📧 e-mailed something

to him, which he received.

The leader gave the same information, to me. I'm the one

with the crown 👑. (The Afghan leadership camp, was near the

large oak table).

I also remember spending time,

with a group of people

who looked like the cardinal bird

, in their red hooded cloaks, complete, with the black markings (almost like a tattoo), on their faces.

(Whatever these people

used, was cool. It was not, like

that black tar, or

whatever it is, that soldiers, or base b

all players, use on their faces.

Well, I spoke with them. They had a lot to tell me, about themselves as well. Fortunately, I didn't have

to say anything about

myself, or my group

of people, or my goals.

They already got all they

ever never ever, wanted

to know. At least

that's what I call my

"wind bag" communication.

They "were up to something", until

they, started to pour over my Fast Forward Stephanie TV.

Well, I received more gifts, and another gorgeous bag fitting fast forward Stephanie. I also held another Vitality Victory Celebration. President Barack Hussein Obama,

just got up, and was

presidential, for the rest of the elongated second. I had a total, of 16 groups, to deal with, in that second...

Finally, we could all go to our respective homes. Course, The President, just went back up

stairs, to

his master bedroom. As it was only a second, His wife, Michelle, slept through the whole thing.

For me, it was more like several years, to accomplish everything. Well, it also kept that old bat, Aunt Witch Shirley, busy, too.

Finally got through, trying to get everything "okay", again.

In this way, of going to palaces and other homes, of Country Leaders, one or more of my kinsfolk, helped to expand, the Vitality Realm of the USA world-wide, every few months.

👩🏿‍🦰 {{(See chapter 29 part 2: Margaret, for the full story, of my sister)}}👩🏿‍🦰

Some of us, like my sister, Margaret Vitality, thought that Aunt Shirley, was mysteriously teleporting us, to various times and places. Well, we were wrong. It wasn't Aunt Shirley.

During this time, my older sister, Margaret, thought, that Aunt Shirley, was a wicked witch, with sinister magical plans.

Actually, Shirley Vitality, has always been a great and good lady, who was constantly a misunderstood person. She has been sickly, on an off, for several decades. We still, couldn't completely cure her.

It didn't help anyone, that I still blamed Shirley Vitality, for everything strange and unusual, that happened around the estate.)

👩🏿‍🦰Margaret Vitality:

As one of my older sisters, 👩🏿‍🦰Margaret, "KNEW" that she, was more aware of, "Aunt Witch👩‍🦳 Shirley's, Evil magical plans", than 👩‍🦰 I was, she had no problems, with dealing with Auntie Shirley Vitality.

👩🏿‍🦰Margaret, is one of VERY FEW PEOPLE, who, stand-up to the old "witch", with "demon-like eyes", authority, and a clenched fist. 👩‍🦳.

This much younger woman, was ... : Shameless ; Assuming ; Scheming ;

Impulsive, impudent ; impetuous ;

👩🏿‍🦰😀😀😿😀Margaret, thought that, her dark complexion, with an even tan, obviously made her more knowledgeable, about interpersonal skills, survival tactics, academics, and life experiences. Her reasoning, was as follows, : She obviously spent her time, in the sunshine, as she championed her challenges, and action packed adventures.

All of this, constantly consistent fighting, winning and achieving personal development, was combined. It gave her maturity, vitality, insight, and education, which, sharpened her Senses, Mind, Body, and Spirit. This is why, Margaret "Knew" she was nearly a Goddess herself.

👩🏿‍🦰This is why, Margaret "Knew" she was nearly a Goddess herself.👩🏾‍🦰



👩‍🦰Well, I wasn't stupid, with my glowing, brightly shining, and lighter complexion. I was 4 years younger, than she was, not to mention, the fact that, I was basically alone, except for a small handful of people. After all, look at all of the things, that I had to do. I wasn't that good, at things, like housework, yet, someone had to do it.

Plus, there was the subliminal messaging!

Out of nowhere, Margaret appeared on our kitchen doorstep. Her car, was parked in the garage. Don't ask me, how she found a garage, next to the mansion. I didn't know, that we had one. A little mud room, or vestibule, was next to the kitchen. I didn't know, what door, led from that space, to a garage.

I wasn't home, that day.

Aunt Shirley Vitality, was quite surprised, to see a surly (angry), mini-me, standing next to her.

"Good Morning, Margaret, my love. Won't you come, into the foyer, with Uncle Henry, and Me?"



⬇️⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️👩🏾‍🦰




(Shirley Vitality)👩‍🦳

1. I am not wicked.👩‍🦳

2. I am not a witch.👩‍🦳

3. I cannot change the👩‍🦳 dimensions, of anything, like the👩‍🦳 temporal spacetime continuum. 👩‍🦳

4. You must be mistaken.👩‍🦳

5. You assume to much.👩‍🦳

6. When you assume, you make a donkey out of "you" and "me". That's how it's spelled.👩‍🦳

7. I only do a simple parlor trick, that is my secret. I don't need magic, or powers for it.👩‍🦳

8. I don't know how any of these {fast forward} Rod Sterling's Twilight Zone TV Show type of Conundrums occurred. 👩‍🦳

9. Do you think, that I wanted to be on my death bed?👩‍🦳

10. You saw me! How was I supposed to do anything 👩‍🦳❓

Lions' Roar‼️🤬👩‍🦳

{Stephanie's thoughts}

👩‍🦰(We didn't have lions back then. Also, I wish Auntie Shirley, would have corrected me, like this, when I was a kid. What a life‼️👩‍🦰😭😱

👩🏿‍🦰Margaret is reduced back to naïve human status, after finally talking directly, to Aunt Shirley Vitality

When it was Margaret's turn, to annex warring enemy battle zones, to create a Xanadu,

👩🏿‍🦰 Margaret, simply materialized, on the castle doorsteps. Each ruler, simply carried out, the same ceremony. as the other Countries' Leaders, who surrendered, to A representative of the Vitality Realm Islands Empire, and to President Barack Hussein Obama II of the USA worldwide Powerful Country. 👨🏿‍🦱🇺🇸

As I may have said previously, I don't know, how people, removed ... : half a mile, to a mile deep, of war damaged, and contaminated earth, water and ... ; The entire surface area, with a mile, or two around it, of the war-torn environment. How did they neutralize, clean, and prepare the soil, and the water, without having any evidence of war? Not even ghastly smoke, from incinerating, or using a powerful Kiln (Oven used to cook clay pots, into hard pottery.)

"How'd They Do That?"

Now, as my family's influence grew, I thought, that, it was time, for a new Empress, to reside over this "World Power". Wrong.

Even though, my niece, took charge, and started to call herself, "Stephanie the Second", she wasn't able to get more than one large city, to follow her. While that did help, I was still swamped. I still had way to many things do.

I managed to get Vitality citizens, to take-over the governing, of the "new" countries. I start with the USA constitution, then I put in my own flair, to make things just. Brian and I were lawyers, among other things, before we found our family. Which, is why, I can make laws, that are good.

What to do, with the people, who break, the marriage law, is a problem. I know, it is a heinous (evil) and treacherous (fancy adjectives of traitor), that can severely hurt, and annoy, someone else. Even so, do we really need to blast them with fire hoses? How about inviting the grandparents, to witness the debacle (fancy word for serious crime)?

Then, there's having the whole thing filmed! No! We don't need to add, to the perverted images, that are already too easy, for anyone, to find.

In the end, the young person, who argued the most, for this incredibly important impartial incriminatory evidence, could not talk, anymore.

She could get arrested, and sued, for failing, to get the permission, to photograph, or film someone, in anyway. Then, to show this, to anyone, was a bigger crime. For these reasons, the judges, wouldn't allow, this evidence, in court anyway.

We had other ways, of proving, what happened.

(Incidentally I still didn't know that Aunt Shirley had never managed to manipulate time or space. )

As far as I knew, the secrets, are discovered, and relayed, by Shirley. She really must have specific, and special powers, to do everything, that she does.

I wonder, who she will train, to do, the more mysterious things, ... : Traveling through time and space ; Manipulating those dimensions (Look up Spacetime, in the notes chapters 29-31.); How does she know, what's happening, everywhere, all at once? Why is she playing God, by changing everyone, and everything?

Speaking of the strange antics (behaviors), of Brian's mother, more strange things happened. While she could do somethings, like ... : Cook by the stove, without holding the stirring spoon ; She had to disappear, to someplace special, in order to make someone else, float though the air ; or Surprise someone else, by suddenly, having him, appear, in another time, and place.

👩‍🦰While remembering all of these things, I summoned my superstitious superstitious supernatural Aunt Shirley, AKA Mother-in-Law AKA Pretend Mother AKA really remotely distantly related cousin, as she should have the answers, to my growing questions, about this whole story, that I am relating, to you. I had so many different emotions, that my voice, was like a "roller-coaster", of hysterical, or low, growling sounds.

My elder, seemed, "worn-out, tired, and listless" (Quote from Lucille Ball, as "I Love Lucy" TV show, also starring, her husband, Desi Arnaz.

"Aunt Shirley, how did you suddenly appear, at the bottom of this mountain, when no one saw you leave your room?"

"Simple. People keep creating trapdoors, "moving floors", and secret passageways. I tripped over something. Next thing I knew, I was in a free-fall. Some people, caught me, with a trampoline.

Then, they somehow, got to the changing rooms, and the bathrooms of a store. In the bathroom, I received, a strange sponge bath.

Now, these strangers, brought clothes for me. After all of this, I was suddenly behind you".

"Why did you push me, to the ground?" I was so mad My strange armor, was all ruined, although, it did prevent me, from getting scratched, and pricked ... as I went down, the treacherous mountain.

👩‍🦳"Did you see who pushed you?"👩‍🦳 My pretend mother asked *👩‍🦰me.* 👩‍🦳Shirley Vitality

👩‍🦰"I saw your reflection, in the puddles, streams, and that statue, of my (Jimmy, the Secret king) absent father". 👩‍🦰Stephanie Vitality

👩‍🦳"Oh no!" Shirley, hysterically exclaimed, in sadness, pain, anger, and even confusion, all coming together, at once. "I've been framed, again! I didn't do it!" I caught her, as she started to fall, towards the kitchen floor. Shirley Vitality, looked dreadful. Not at all Vital. 👩‍🦳🤢

After placing, my Auntie Shirley Vitality, onto a chair, in the kitchen, I got some of her favorite remedies together, so that I could calm-her down, as she sat on her chair. That near collapse, was scary. I need to give her, a full physical examination.

I needed to get her, to her own bedroom.

Maybe, I'm wrong, about her, as a bad witch, from my unbelievably arduous (harsh, and challenging, chaos), type, of childhood, at ages 4 & 5. Was she INNOCENT❓

When Shirley, was breathing a little bit better, albeit (even while) still taking long, loud painful breaths, "like an automobile, that needed serious repairs", she spoke. "Listen, little lady, you were a tiny little thing. I was in bed, most of the time, after Amy, and the twins, Megan, and Rachel left us. They took care of all of us. See, we needed you, to grow-up, return to the mansion, and really cure, those of us, who weren't treated for the water-poisoning.

(Incidentally, I would love, for your Empire, to exterminate, all of those people, who decided to dump enough poisonous factory waste, to completely clog, and to pollute, the river, which, in turn, nearly destroyed everyone, and everything in its path, of destruction.

Even after all of this time, the whole mansion, still does not have clean tap water, or even clean pipes.

Maybe you can clean-up, and remodel, this rank and ruin dump, like you fixed-up, those distant war-torn lands".

Her Emotional adventure, kept changing, from ... : Despair ; Sadness ; Anger ; 👿 Demotic Rage 😡 ; Extremely Highly Hysterics ; to a "Softer, lower" growl, that ended up on a really frightening, Ear-Shattering, Earth- Splitting ROAR‼️‼️.

I fell off of my chair. It's a good thing that, I instinctively, cradled my head, in my own arms, so as not to get hurt, to much.

I was dazed, and breathless. I tried to calm, myself, with regulated long deep breaths. Even so, I passed-out, on the hard kitchen floor. Well, at least, I just washed it, so that I could eat off of it, without getting sick. Nobody stepped, where My head was. I don't think, to wear my translucent and transparent, helmet, and my matching visor, when I'm inside the oversized house. Otherwise, I would have been able to breathe, the special air, inside the armor, that usually, kept me, from having breathing problems. The helmet, would have protected my ears, as well as my head, and my nick. I always wore my armor, even to bed. That's why, on this day, as I loudly, unceremoniously, uncontrollably, and nearly unconsciously, "fall down, go BOOM‼️ ‼️ BOOM‼️‼️ "I didn't have to worry, about my already arthritic joints, and other ailments.

My relative, wasn't wearing any armor, so her whole body, went through visible changes, as I noticed, with the way, her dress, fit, or didn't fit. It was like watching an exaggerated human transformation scene, like they "Box Trolls" movie, or Eddie Murphy, as the "Nutty Professor".


🦌🐠 I saw her face, do this previously, after I blasted her, for manipulating "one second of time", so that she could send Megan, and me, though time, to solve as many things as possible. I do get dizzy, as I watch a dozen "time and place" relocated, and displaced, in time, versions of myself. I can see, and feel, everything, that "they" are doing. It's really horrible, when I have a bunch of them, staring into my eyes, all at once.

🦌 🐠🦁Well, despite her human-bubbling-contorting form, on that other day, she did manage to get countless people, to do all of those "Crucial" event changing adventures, (which made, our peaceful, prosperous, and happy, and healthy, Vitality Realm, USA, realize a globalization, all in one second), so that, I would not have to do it all by myself. Jumping in, and out of time, and space, is hard on the body, not to mention, having even more amazing adventures, while supposedly dealing with one person. Sometimes, I was yanked, in the middle of a speech. Talk about, not being able to "hold that thought", let alone remember it. Well, if my amazing armor and amulet, indicated, that I needed to eat, or something, that would be a good reason, to send me home. I don't remember, a lot of the interruptions, which sometimes lasted for several months. Well, if I were sedated, that was one obvious reason, for not knowing anything.


👩‍🦰 Returning to "Today's" drama.

Oh, yeah. I awoke, stiffly, and in painful discomfort, from being a funny-looking translucent statue, on the rock-hard floor. I somehow managed to, hoist my "complaining" form, onto a chair.

Fortunately, my medicine, food, and of course, the rest of the armor, were right next to me. Even so, it took a long time, to recover. I was all right, in a (long) bit.

Meanwhile, ... : Auntie, was still pinned, between the wall, and the table, as she sat in her chair ; and I was still woozy, from a body-relaxing pill, that I took, and the rest of today's drama.

I finally heard, some people, calling through the amulets, that the 2 of us wore.

"Where have you been, all of this time? I shrieked hysterically. I had to drink pure honey, to heal my throat, from all that noise.

"WE GOOPGI NGKVGGGJ‼️‼️Countless Cries carried by courier waves, clashed at once.

Aunt Shirley, burped, a long, loud ludicrous burp, to expell, the volumnus gasses from, wherever, through her mouth. The blast of wind from that, knocked me down, go BOOM‼️BOOM‼️ Again. Happily, this time, I was fully protected, from bashing my head, with my helmet, and face-shield. I couldn't move my arms, to my head.

It did not, take long, for me to get back, to my seat.

👩‍🦳Auntie was laughing so hardly. As she shrank, back to her normal form, her clothes hung on her, like circus tents.🎪🎪

👩‍🦳"Wow! I didn't know, that all I had to do, was to give off, an eructation (belch)!" 👩‍🦳Shirley Vitality said, while laughing, and gasping for breath. 👩‍🦳

👩‍🦳"That's the second time, that you fell from your perch, today, my little birdie". 👩‍🦳

👩‍🦰"Laugh it up, Fuzz Ball. (Star Wars: Episode 4: A New Hope. Harrison Ford, as Han Solo, to the Wookie, Chewbacca.) I quoted.👩‍🦰

👩‍🦳 "Whatever." She said, to me.

Then, Shirley Vitality, the incredibly shrinking woman, shouted, to our would be, rescuers ,,, :

"Hay! You clueless clowns! How many times, did I tell you❓❓❔❔

Pull the lever‼️‼️"

"What lever"? An exasperated Brian yelled. {WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT}

"My own son, really is a blockhead. I wish that, those girls never left. They would have gotten everyone healthy, noticed, and well fed. Grrrr"‼️‼️

On the other side, of the kitchen door, from where I was, a message, appeared suddenly ... :

➡️{That lever} A sign pointed, to the very obviously prominent door handle.

👩‍🦰 I yelled, "Use the purple button, Brian!

The kitchen door, rolled-up, over my head, like Dad's garage door.

Very white faced, and scared, the masses entered the room. Then, they carried us, to the "hospital", or "Empire Suite".

Did I tell you that, While my husband, and I share a bedroom, called, "The Empire Suite", there is a long, heavy, plush, dark brown, blanket, that hangs, as a dividing wall, between the two beds? It's like a hospital room, as I can pull the curtains, all the way, around my bed, for privacy. He can pull curtains around his bed, too. He usually, only does that, when someone embarrasses him, or I have company.

I have a full bathroom, to the left, of my bed, by the door, to the room. His bathroom, is on the other side of the room, where he can get to it.

Just call me, "The Pure Golden Goody Two Shoes"❗

As the Double Room, was already equipped, with all sorts of medicine, and medical gear, it

became the hospital, for Shirley Vitality, Brian, and me.

Some other people, and animals, decided, to stay as well. The room, was quite cramped.


(Let's identify my three oldest sisters, who rushed into the bedroom, with a "For the Longest Time" Speech, about THE VITALITY REALM, AND THEMSELVES❗ They were also blaming 👩🏼‍🦳Aunt Shirley, for nearly everything bad, that happened. Here we go, again!)👩👩‍🦱👱‍♀️

👩👩‍🦱👱‍♀️ (Amy the eldest, is blond, Rachel has a curly brunette haircut, while Rachel's twin, has longer and straighter brunette hair, than Rachel). 👱‍♀️👩‍🦱👩

(They somehow didn't remember, coming home, on another occasion. )

👩👩‍🦱👱‍♀️ My 3 eldest sisters, were initially out of breath, when they entered the Vitality Family Upstairs Hospital.

They just arrived, by public transportation, from a war zone.

Since all they knew, for decades, was their medical work, my eldest sisters, didn't know, about what was happening, anywhere, save, their own mobile hospital, except that,

(A). The war is over, and,

( B) Daddy and the other missing family members, are discovered !

"Our missing family, is home again".

👩👩‍🦱👱‍♀️My sisters, didn't know, about me, Brian, or the other batches of babies.

⭕Today, Someone Finally, anonymously summoned, 👩👩‍🦱👱‍♀️Amy, Rachel, and Megan I, My eldest sisters, who lived with our parents, when these girls were very young. That's when my mother got sickly, for only a WEEK, yet a whole lot of illegal activities occurred, which, brought the sisters, to Auntie Shirley, and Uncle Henry. As no one told the adults, who the children were, except for their americanized names, and birthdays, Auntie and Uncle, didn't know anything about the wee tiny little girl, and the twins, who were infants. Everyone's name was Vitality. We also, don't have very many first names, that can be Americanized.

The girls, didn't know, that they were princesses. Course, the babies, slept most of the time, And Amy didn't know, what her well dressed parents did all day, when they weren't doting on the twins, and herself. Our parent's didn't dress in furs, and furry cloaks, with crowns, coronets, or tiaras. There weren't any servants either. (My secretly actually birth father) King James, did not want any of his children, to know, that they were royalty. He wanted everyone to be ... :

a) Treated with the same respect, and considerateness, and considerations, as anyone else;

b) To treat everyone, just like they were all equals;

c) Be happy;

d) Live normal lives, with their own mother, and himself, as a nice, regular family.

Mom, and Dad, Joyously raised, their 3 girls, a wee lass, Amy, and the twins, Rachel and Megan, who were infants.

Then, Mom got sick, for about a week. Someone, offered to tend to the girls. My parents, agreed, to a temporary babysitting arrangement, just until Mom was well, again.

The so-called "helpers", wouldn't release the children, as the new family, already bonded, with them. My parents, yelled, "Kidnappers".

While no one knew, that Aunt Shirley, and Uncle Henry, had my sisters, no one, could return the girls. No body talked to each other.

Besides, the people who were responsible, for midwife services,

insisted on having mother wear a hood, when she gave birth. They also found "clever" excuses, to keep Dad away, from the birthing room, (of the hospital, under the school, in Connecticut's mountain, "by" the River, separating it Connecticut, from: the Vitality Realm Islands Empire).

Obviously, someone else misinterpreted Dad's royal decree, about all of us.

The hospital personnel, also lied, to the king and queen, of this Vitality Island. None of us were given to Mommy and Daddy, as we were all pronounced dead.

Mom didn't want to keep having kids, yet the doctors, would ambush her, in her house, when Dad was at work.

Remember, the mad sedation nurse? Well, she snuck-up, on Mom. Then the lady doctors and lady staff, did their work. They used what they surreptitiously (secretly) obtained from Dad, to complete, their work.

Talk about illegal‼️

Why didn't they just ask, Mom and Dad, together, for permission, clarifications, courtesy ... ❓❓


{{The trio took care of their Aunt Shirley, and Uncle Henry, as needed, once the girls were able to help. Aunt Shirley, needed the most help, apparently}}.

👩👩‍🦱👱‍♀️Amy, Rachel, and Megan, the First:

When we got old enough, to move away from home,

👩👩‍🦱👱‍♀️Nobody told us, that we could not, or should not, leave, the mansion. We were drafted, to "Heal the injured, on the battlefield". 🧓Uncle assured us, that he would work harder, for the 2 kids👱👱‍♀️, and Auntie👩‍🦳, who was sickly. Plus, Lucy🙍‍♀️, was here, too".👱‍♀️👩‍🦱👩

👱‍♀️👩‍🦱👩No one told us, that Uncle got sick, and Lucy was working. None of us could leave, what we were doing. All of the things, that we did, to make things easier, for all of us, have been made into booby traps! Then, these guards laugh, as they make a mockery out of these conveniences. Those water-poisoned🐸🤢🥳🥸🤡👹🧟‍♂️🧙🏽‍♂️🦹🦹‍♀️🦹🏽🦹🏼🦹🏼‍♀️🦹🏿‍♀️ Trollish Toadmen, went berserk, with their jubilations, which is how Megan clobbered Stephie - Steff - Steff, that other time, when they fell through the hole, that was for something else, that is, when those. hysterically laughing hyenas, were playing around, with the controls, for the hidden passageways, and the trapdoors, they broke the system. The door, to the control room, was locked. 👩👩‍🦱👱‍♀️

👩👩‍🦱👱‍♀️We found it, after it was ripped off of its hinges! Course, all of the damage, was already done. That explains, the horrible day, when someone installed subliminal messaging, to get Empress Stephie - Steff - Steff, to take-over the chores, and all of the newly adopted children, as well as the newly-made land and sea zoological Park. Meanwhile, Emperor Brian, was frantically, pathetically, desperately, trying, to rescue his wife, initially a frightening mad-house, of booby traps. 👩👩‍🦱👱‍♀️

👩👩‍🦱👱‍♀️ As the equipment, was broken, the idiots, who .... : Never went to the hospital, for water-poisoning treatment ; Thought that Brian and Stephie - Steff - Steff''s horrible day, was hysterically humorous, entrancing funny, and stunning brilliant ; Failed to realize that the control room, was a shameless shambles of rank and ruin, reeking of chemicals, gas, and exploding, with real hay-wires, of real electricity flailing all over the rubble ; Failed to notice, that the contraptions, in the room, were necessary for controlling, "helpful shortcuts, elevating tables, operating chutes, and doing more nifty things" ; Failed to, "Summon real maintenance men and women, ( like electricians, plumbers and machinery repair personnel ) ; And finally test everything, before using it again. Better yet, those idiots, should have left the room alone, altogether. Wild lions ROAR ‼️‼️👩👩‍🦱👱‍♀️


The whole population of 30 lions of Vitality's zoo, on this island, ROARED, on que, from, my 3 sisters, who took turns talking, in a smooth, and rehearsed manner.)

{{ Continuing their "wind bag" type of "Babeling Brooke" presentation, Amy Rachel and "Megan the eldest of two Megans" 👩👩‍🦱👱‍♀️started up again. }}

👩👩‍🦱👱‍♀️ When these idiots, wanted to send people, to Africa, from "Megan the youger's café", The idiots ran into the dangerously smoky, 🔥📛fire filled junkyard of a control room, ( which CANNOT

teleport, TESERACT TIME AND SPACE, or TIME-MACHINE anyone, or anything‼️)

The girls stopped, to take slow deep breaths. Then they spoke again

👩👩‍🦱👱‍♀️Starting over again, When the idiots wanted to teleport Stephie - Steff - Steff, Megan the younger ... .

[How were there two Megan's ❓],

and Brian, from Megan the Younger's café, to Africa ... .

[That's impossible], the idiots ran into the raging inferno, wearing this crazy shiny armor. [Why didn't they get burnt to a crisp, or just a pile of ashes?]


While those three, were talking, (and gasping) louder, and louder, I could see my face changing colors. There was a mirror, in the room. My face went through, a variety of expressions.

(I started to complain, to Everyone.)

"I hate our life. I'm glad, we got rid of the clever clowns, yet why, did the good guys, prove to be stupid?

'What lever?' he asks.

The one that, you use, everyday, to open that door. Ding Bat! Maybe we did need more to eat, when we were kids. Still! He always faired better, than I did He had quite a few sharp-looking tailored suits. His face always glowed, too. He got first pick, of fresh fruits and vegetables, too. I wonder, about him, a lot.

By the way, "IS MY FACE STILL going from CRIMSON, to DEATH color, to VIOLENT VIOLET❓"


Will you please stop insulting, me! Will you please stop insinuating, things, about me? I'm actually 4 years younger, than you are. My mother, slipped through time, so you and I could be born together. Then, I was constantly jumping through time, to keep up with you. I don't know how, or why, this was important. No wonder, I can't remember my childhood, and mother was always 😫 tired, worn, and sickly. To busy playing with time, and space, " Brian screamed, in anguish.🧒🏼


"Someone, get out the honey. A lot of throats need it,"

"You know, I hate my life," I said. "I'm sorry Brian, yet you do seem hopeless, when you don't think, to pull, a simple lever," I said, obstinately. I thought that, I was right. Wrong❗


"I was hopeless, not stupid. I couldn't find anyway, to open the door. It is not my fault. For some reason, there's a big purple button, with a metal cage around it, that I cannot open. Jim, had to use his magic, on it. Once he pressed the button, with enough strength, it released the lever," Brian cried out in pain.


"I'm sorry, homey honey," I said, as someone held me up, while someone else, dripped honey, into my "eager", and gaping maw.

( What do you want? My mouth is huge, so I can open it widely. Maw = mouth, gape gaping or agape = Wide open.)

Oh, did I mention, we were on "hospital beds" by now? Everyone who actually lived on the same Island, was able to have our own rooms, converted into, treatment rooms. It made life easier. People don't have to be rushed, to the hospital, which might not have enough beds, to accommodate everyone. )

Brian 👱🏽‍♂️

"You know, you don't have to be bitter, or jealous. I've always been big for my age, which makes me gangly, and clumsy. I always shared what I had. You may have forgotten, about it, but, I gave you my shirts, and my jackets, at breakfast, every morning. I always found, everything, was carefully crafted, cleaned, and pressed, when I saw it, the next morning. 👱🏽‍♂️

👱🏽‍♂️I also, always, left some vegan food, for Lucy. One of her hands, is damaged, or maybe, she was born, with a unique hand. She can't cook, somethings. I wasn't tall enough to help her, and nobody taught me, to freed myself. I learned from you, Stephanie. Are you sure, you were only only 4 or 5, when you had your early hardship? Maybe, someone messed around, with your life, with dimensional manipulation". ( Playing, with time, and space, like a time-machine.) Brian announced to me, from his side, of the room. 👱🏽‍♂️

👩‍🦰Estephanie"Oh is that a possibility?👩‍🦰


"Probably. Although, I have heard of kids, doing a lot of the things, that you did," He said. 👱🏽‍♂️

👩‍🦳Shirley Vitality "You people, have such imaginations," Shirley complained, as she was getting blamed, for everything, again.

"I'm not stupid. Why would I go back, in time, to raise my son, while I was sick? Brian, you are a unique bird, in this world. Very uniquely imaginative. "Who told you, all of your stories?"

"You are not, the only one, who, can control time and space. It is just that, you're the best. I have researched all of this," Brian, started to laugh, as he showed, that he was brilliant, as in intelligent. 👱🏽‍♂️Brian Vitality



I am so very sick of this.

For once, and for all,

1. I am not evil‼️

2. I am not a witch‼️

3. I cannot manipulate time,‼️ space, or any laws of physics‼️

4. I have been framed‼️

5. I can only do simple parlor tricks. Nothing Paranormal, Supernatural, Mysterious, nor mystical.

6. I have been sickly for over 60 years!

7. How am I supposed to do anything, when I'm so miserable, and weak?

8. Why would I do this to myself, or others?

9. Why didn't I get proper medical attention?

10. I love children, why would I hurt them?

11. I am not capable, of changing history, or the future. I can only deal, with my present.

12. When I was having my baby, I said, "Gee, wouldn't it have been nice, if my child, could have been born, at the same time as Stephanie (date withheld)". I was in a room by myself, or so I thought. I don't know if someone overheard me, or not. If someone, started this whole mess, to appease me, then, why would you keep me sickly, most of the time? Obviously, it wasn't nice, with the kids in poverty, and Who Knows What, was happening to them.

Everyone Growl and ROAR ‼️

Once again, the numerous lions roared. They were accompanied, by countless other animals.


(BRIAN recovering, from that, blow, to his deducing skills.)

I'm sorry. I, missed a lot of things. I'm sorry, someone, or a group of people, "pulled the wool over my eyes".


👩‍🦰Stephanie Vitality

I'm sorry, too. I guess we all assumed, all of those things, about you, Auntie. ℹℹ I'M SORRY FOR NOT HAVING FAITH IN YOU ‼️‼️

👩‍🦳Shirley Vitality

Thank you, Stephanie.

👩‍🦰Stephanie :

You're welcome!

(👩‍🦰Stephanie:) I knew Brian, was involved with government, yet I didn't know, that you, were researching, the mystery, of the Realm.

"Wow! Someone, really does have a brain. Congratulations. I'm glad, that someone, knows, 'What is happening, around-the-clock, and around the whole wide world' I said, sincerely, and happily". 👩‍🦰

👩‍🦳 Shirley "You don't have to editorialize, (explain) your comments deer," Aunt Shirley said. 👩‍🦳

👩‍🦰Stephanie " I just wanted everyone, in this cramped tiny, wee, bit, of a room, to know, that 'I wasn't making fun', of my sweetheart". I said.👩‍🦰

"We know!" The other two, plus, some other voices groaned. They made it last, a very long time. The people even, made a strange song, with really sounded, like they played a song, from, " The Sound of Music", Starring, Julie Andrews, as Maria Von Trappe.

When it was quiet again, 👱🏽‍♂️Brian, said, "After everything, it really is refreshing, to hear my wife, declare her love for me"👱🏽‍♂️ Brian sounded so cute, and happy, that nobody said anything. Well, from my point of view, it is a lot of fun, when he's happy. Then, I can be 😂 Happy, with him.

The young ones, of the house, piled on the reinforced beds. Granny, Mommy, and Daddy, were all properly squashed. Ah, love!

Every now, and then, someone shimmered twice. The bathroom doors, opened, and closed. Sometimes, Laura, Amy Megan 1 or 2, or Rachel, would follow some wee tiny tyke, to the kitchen, or the bathroom. My various family members, were always adopting children, so there wouldn't be any anonymous children, on the street. There were so many adults, for each child, we really did, have a village.

30 Empress Stephanie

It took a month, for my multiple purpose, Shirley Vitality, to be completely released, from hospital care ... : Really relaxed ; Recuperated and Realigning, and realizing how to rejuvenate, her healthy form.

I went into the room, a week later. I knocked first. Upon receiving permission, to enter, I saw, the two old folks, in their room. They had a thick blanket, between their beds too.

After exchanging pleasantries, I said, that I found a better way, to cure the water poisoning problem, forever.

All they had to do, was to drink, a vegan, medicated and smoothie, that would clean-out all of the problems. I had a blueberry one for Shirley, as that was her favorite. I had 🍒 cherry, for Henry, as that little miracle, masked, the taste of his medicine. Each person, is different. Each concoction, has to be personalized.

Those 2 awoke, the next day, like spring chickens, frolicking around the estate. They kept running, back and forth, as they delivered delicious delicacies, from the garden. They high-five, with giant jumps, and wide smiling mouths. Uncle, and Auntie, danced, and pranced, all over the country side, all day, long. Course, they cooled down, enough, to refresh, recover, and renew.

Course, they cooled down, enough, to refresh, recover, and renew, every half hour, or so. They weren't used to this sort of thing. Just a couple, of "fun loving" 98 year old kids.

Well, this lasted, from 6:00 am, until 10:00 pm.

Then, it was bed time. We all gathered, on or around the 2 beds. This restored, and humorous couple, read my story, in unison. I don't know, what is so funny, about the first chapter, yet everyone laughed.

Some loving family! This is my epic tale of woe! So sad.

Why are they laughing? I really did all of that hard work, when I was 4 & 5 years old.

I know other kids, who had to do these things. I'm not saying, that I did anything well, I just did what I could.

I had to leave the room. I went downstairs, to whip-up a strawberry soufflé, to go with my own medicine. I forced myself, to sit up, for an hour. Then, when I was absolutely positively sure, that, my throat, was clear of everything, except water, I finally trudged, up to my own bed, in time, to see Brian, stumbling along, like a dunk (borracho) handsome, goofy, young man, who was laughing hysterically, harder and harder, until, he finally fell forward, on his fat face. I put my foot on him. It is not funny! I Shrieked, too loudly.

The whole place, was suddenly, spookily, and eerily, quiet. Then the crying started. I was about to carefully remove my foot, from Brian, who was still breathing, the freshly vacuumed, extraordinarily soft, thick, and plush carpet, when, I realized, that, he was crying. After gently extracting my foot, from his back, I gently lifted him, into my arms. I cradled him. He let our, all of his emotions. Someone, dropped a white towel, onto Brian's face. He managed a thank you.

She just smiled, and waved. he waved back, then he wiped his face. Then he opened the towel, so that, it covered his face.

I went to Aunt Shirley, and Uncle Henry's room. Apparently, all of the kids, were still in the suite. Is everyone okay? They all said, "Yes!"

I put, Brian, on an extra bed, next to his newly rediscovered, younger brother. I let everyone bond. I was out of it, so I hurried to bed. I could tell, that someone, was messing-around, with my personal timeline, as well as my space whatever you call it. I was shimmering, sometimes invisible, and it took longer, and longer, to get the few feet, to my tower room. I just sat down, as I got ready, to lie down, on the carpet. This works. Who needs a bed, anyway? Just don't step on me!

My amazing amulets beeped. "Well, Mother, is at it again. she's playing with the past. I think, she's consecrating, on Steff'ney," someone said.

"We know,"Uncle Henry said, in a hollow, defeated tone. "Wifey left, about 3 hours ago, by my calculations, and then time stopped, shortly, there after that. I can see, my Stephanie, is shimmering, and flashing on end off, as she disappears, and reappears. Whatever, the mystics are doing, they could have waited, until Shirley could somehow, get our lady, to bed.


Sorry ‼️‼️‼️" a call, rang out, throughout, the entire edifice, to the educational section. Even, King Jim, heard it. 🤴"Whatever, are you doing now, Mrs. Vitality-Vitality, or Double Vitality? As for me, I'm Vitality, for so many ... " He thought he was dreaming. That's why he started to meander, on that topic. Course, everyone, on the two islands, were given the name, Vitality, upon birth, wether, that was the parents' name, or not.

Mostly it was, the same family, reunited, through marriage, from over 8 generations, of "mixing up, the 🤴gene pool" every generation.

Well, that was a huge detour.

The parlor tricks wielder, Shirley, didn't respond, to the King. Instead, she used her magic, to lift, me, to my bed, where nobody would step on me.

Uncle Henry Vitality

"What are you doing, to Stephanie's life? The pages are flipping, on their own. The ink, is disappearing, and reappearing, only I can't tell, what it says. Ow! Now what❓❓‼️ Now, there's nothing on the pages. Oh no. there's no book. Nothing. No pages". The old man cried.

He walked over to his niece, who was still shimmering, and occasionally disappearing, and reappearing.

I'm sorry, Stephanie. I don't know, what the Mystics are doing. They swore, they wouldn't manipulate, your life, anymore, yet, they are erasing your past. I guess, whatever, you wrote about, in your books, never happened," he just sat on my bed, as I was going through, this metamorphosis (Huge change - usually a caterpillar, changing into, a butterfly).

I couldn't cry. I just lay there, on my bed. I decided to meditate, until, Whomever Uncle was referring to, finished, their new quest.

I was in a void. I couldn't feel anything, and I couldn't see anything, either. Oh no!

What if they want me, to be born all over again?

Maybe, I need to just pick-up, from a three-year-old. That would be better than, having to start fresh.

I actually thought, that I could be an adult, with new memories, for my childhood.

I decided, to stop thinking, about anyone, and everything.

After a long time, Aunt Shirley, poked her head, through the opening, in the floor, with her hand, still on the trap-door's handle.

She had to get up, to see me.

"Whoops! Oh no. You're not supposed to notice, anything!"

As I couldn't lift my head, due to Uncle Henry's hands, pressing on my head, and on my shoulder, I kicked the old Shirley-bat..

👩‍🦳"Ouch! Hay, I can't work like this," Madam Creepy, complained.

👩‍🦳She finally left. After what felt like, nearly an hour, she finally returned.👩‍🦳

👩‍🦳Shirley Vitality👩‍🦳

👩‍🦳😲" Hey! Henry! Let Stephanie go. You are holding her, to tightly.

Woah, Stephanie, what is happening, to you?"👩‍🦳😱Shirley

👩‍🦰I think, someone is trying to change the history. I cannot remember anything. Uncle Nice Man, Henry, said that, my book erased itself, then disappeared.

I know, you didn't have anything to do with this.

What are you doing, anyway?(👩‍🦰Stephanie)


I'm trying to fix, some of my magic tricks. The props, and tools, are old, so I'm replacing them. I didn't want to give away my secrets. I like to have something, of my own. After those people, played cruel jokes on us. 😭👩‍🦳😭Shirley Vitality

I helped my old Aunt, to my bed, despite my strange sensations, as she needed it, more than I did.


I never would've believed it. I still think I dreamt that. I saw something, that answered everything, about one of the biggest unsolved mysteries, of my lifetime.

Just like in the movies, we were suddenly suspended, in blue air, somewhere, where, I don't know.

A horizontal cyclone 🌪(like this, only, it was lying, on its side), appeared out of nowhere. Wow! Was that louder, and louder, than anything, I ever heard. The swirling winds, went into tighter circles, as they became, faster-than-light. Then, the opening, slowly started to slow down, to shimmering snails' pace. It hovered in space-time continuum, for what seemed like forever.

Suddenly, a giant hand, gripped the outer edge, from the inside, of the swirling vortex. The giant leaped though the opening, faster-than-light.

Oh my! Fortunately, for me, my Virgin, Vitality eyes, were not faster-than-light. I couldn't see him at all, save for an intense flash of light, as, for a nanosecond, he was a sun-shiny shimmering, brilliant, blurry, translucent, transparent naked form. Oh goodness!

His clothing, instantaneously and miraculously adorned, his seriously muscle toned body.

▶️ (Once  again, I get to witness, the  results, of our  mysteriously, mystical magical moments a new, as we have a repeat  performance)


As you might guess, this is also what shocked (Emperor Brian ↔️Brandan, my  husband)

👱‍♂️🤴🏼👑🅱🙀💥. He let out an awesome angry, anguished, silenced scream, as he was jolted, and horrified. He was   PETRIFIED   as a strange statue .🤴🏼👱‍♂️🙀◀️

Once the too bright 🌞sun-like enormous human form, wore clothing, he slowly became less bright. He also shrunk, to human size.

Now, that I could see him, perfectly well, WE ALL recognized him‼️

Shirley Vitality lunged so hardly, at him, that she knocked him down, to the Earth, below us. Someone anonymously summoned me, to catch him, in a huge Vitality armor blanket sandwich trampoline, which sent him, back to the strange "Heavens", where Brian, Uncle Henry, and Auntie Shirley, were waiting.

Other paranormal, supernatural and suspicious looking human shaped sun - bright shapes, each of a different color, also raced through the cyclone, to us, right after the first one did.

I missed the transformations, as,

It took "For the Longest Time", for me to get back, from, rescuing my apparent "Tesseract master", who ... : Fowled-up,

the 'Vitality Realm Islands Empire' ; (And other places), with some types of "time-machine-like", space-time continuum, dimensional manipulation activities.

By the time, I returned to the "Heavens", most of the luminous luminescent life forms, were standing, like regular people, except for the feet, which were covered, by rolling, "fluffy" looking clouds.

The others, formed an ever shimmering sun-bright wall, of various colors.

Everyone, was dressed, even, if we couldn't see them, with the blindingly harsh lights, within a nanosecond, of rushing, or hurtling through, the "Star Gate". (A movie, about visiting another world altogether. James Spader, and other big stars.)

When everyone else was assembled in the vast light-blue void, of sky, and clouds, the first Astonishing Astute Astoria Ancestor, Asked, "Great Great Great ❎🔟°❗" {some kind of math code,

<>that I will look-up later. "10!" means a gigantic number} WHY DOESN'T HE JUST SAY INFINITY❓

My (enormous number, of) greats daughter, Shirley Vitality, why did you hit me? Our seemingly immortal and extremely ancient relative, asked, in the booming voice of a 35 year old man, with a built-in megaphone.

🤬🤬👩‍🦳🤬😡👿👿😮😲😱😩😨😧☹️😮😫😩😤😠🤬💀🙀👹👺 SHIRLEY VITALITY

ℹ️ℹ️HOW COULD YOU❓⁉️‼️

You ruined everything!

You nearly killed everyone!

You destroyed the entire temporal space-time dimensional continuum!

You desecrated my son's brains!

You annihilated my reputation!

You Framed Me!


You destornillador!

masculine noun.

de fusil] hammer. Mexico) (= destornillador) screwdriver.


The Ancestor God


I understand, your anger. You, just said, "I wish, that I could have given birth, at the same time, as Stephanie's mother. That way, our kids, could grow up together, in a ..." .

👩‍🦳Shirley Vitality

"I wish that, I could have given birth, at the same time, as Stephanie's mother, so that our happy, healthy, and fun-loving children, could grow up, together, in a rich, and heavenly, home. Henry and I are healthy, and we can take care of both of them. Stephanie, wouldn't be lonely, or sad". 👩‍🦳

👩‍🦳 What happened to that?👩‍🦳

How did you change history?👩‍🦳

Why, did you do it?👩‍🦳

Why didn't you stop, when things were fine? 👩‍🦳We were healthy, with 2 babies, and Laura, too. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧👩‍🦱

👾Another one, who still was green, and glowing, said, " Pardon me, your highness. We haven't met. I'm (unpronounceable, Vitality of unpronounceable birthdate),

or Brooklyn Robarts, originally, of Brooklyn NY. I am actually, the Co-founder, of the Vitality Islands Realm Empire. My friend, Stephanie, is actually your niece.


👩‍🦰Stephanie Blasted‼️




Well, we found out, that we could do anything, that we wanted, to do, before, the water was poisoned.

When the water was poisoned, we thought, that we could have protected the water, or prevented, it from getting poisoned, in the first place.

While we were planning, what to do, and learning, how to do it, your relative, here, said, basically, what you just said, Your Highness, Shirley." Founder👾

👩‍🦳Shirley interrupted.