processing information

I'll tell you why I am having a cyclone, of horrible emotions.

Even Though; I have been thoroughly trained; in all sorts of

"keeping calm, cool, and collected"; I kept screaming; at everyone. I was ... : mortified ;

horrified ; Enraged ; Incredulous ; and more.

I'll tell you why I am having a cyclone, of horrible emotions.

processing information

Empress Stephanie:

I was once again; lying on my stomach; upon my bed. I found out; a lot of things; that were awakening every unpleasant emotion; within me:


A green, glowing, and calm entity; who obviously bathed; in the Fountain of Youth; addressed Shirley. Shirley; was crowned "queen for life" before; I "returned to the castle"; for my own coronation.

"Pardon me, your highness. We haven't met. I'm (unpronounceable, Vitality of unpronounceable birthdate),

or Brooklyn Robarts, originally, of Brooklyn NY. I am actually, the Co-founder, of the Vitality Islands Realm Empire. My friend, Stephanie, is actually your niece.

( I threw Tantrums galore; everytime; someone reminded me; of this. Who wants to ... :

a. re-do; the same day; over and over again; until one gets it perfectly done?

b. have one's own memories erased?

c. be constantly reminded; of what was erased?

d. find out, that I went back in time; to be born; into this horrible life?

e. ?)

2. The person; who enslaved me; in this life; was: My Grandfather! He was the one, who manipulated, my space-time dimensional continuum: He sent me traveling, throughout time, and space.

Examples in 20th + 21st centuries Entertainment :

Clean Slate, and Groundhog Day; Back to the Future Trilogy; and A Wrinkle in Time; are some of the movies; that come to mind. As always, there's Star Trek; Buck Rodgers, and the 25th Century ; Quantum Leap ; and The Flintstones met the Jetson's.

Freaky Friday, also started something, where as, a child, turns into an adult ... : A second Freaky Friday, with Lindsey Lohan; 14 going on 40; and Big, with Tom Hanks.

(More Tantrums: same questions;

1a through 1e . Plus, more questions:

2a. How could anyone; be so cruel?

2b. Why would my family; and my friends; do this to me?

2c. There's no way to punish Grandfather ... :


His own remotely related relative, Shirley, obliterated him; with one tackle.


I mean, there really was only; a pile of molecules; instead of a former human being.


The Fountain of Youth; restored him; to perfection.

2d. my grandfather; is also remotely related to Shirley.

2e. He also, somehow, managed to be, her own father.



My younger brother; accidentally; sent me to the past; to be reborn. That one thing; started all of the chaos; for Vitality ... .

(Tantrums 1a - 1e ; 2a - 2c ;

3 a. this guy; was my uncle; originally!

b. in yet another life; he was a little younger; than I was; when he sent me back in time. Whoever he was; was the first person; to meddle; with my life continuum.

c. Who messed - up that one's life continuum?

d. the culprit; who; messed - up Uncle 's life; ultimately; is just as responsible; as anyone else; who sabotaged me.

e. why couldn't anyone avoid: manipulating; the space-time dimensional continuum ... ?

f. why couldn't anyone go back; in time; to prevent each catastrophe?)


No one knew: what anyone else; was doing. Plus; they were so busy traveling throughout the space-time ... ; that all of chaos broke loose.

(Tantrums for all of 1 - 4

4a. It's hard en; to keep track; of events;in the Unbroken space-time ... . It's harder; when people keep changing history; by time travel.

4b. A lot of us; Had Great Lives; before the abominations of disrupting; the space-time dimensional continuum system; with manipulation.

4c. we didn't need; to go through this hardships: that we endured.

4d. How am I supposed do my job; if ... .


5. My own father, (in some reincarnation) was the one; who was the one; who had me; doing aerial gymnastics; all around; and above; the Southern Vitality Island.



A ginormous, (extremely extraordinarily large) informational bombshell; sent Brooklyn; backwards; 100 miles‼️

He is really My Brandan↔️Brian‼️He was obviously sent back in time too‼️

I laughed, so hard, as I reacted; to this development.

My husband, on the other hand; slowly, slowly ... turned into a huge glob; of pale off-white gelatin.

That, was NOT FUNNY ‼️

Oh boy, oh girl, oh wow. Yikes‼️

Someone poured Original Version of Vitality Victory Water; on all of us.

More than half of, the drenched, rejuvenated (fast forward) people; started to transform; in unpleasant ways, ... : like Eddie Murphy in The Nutty Professor; and the bad guy, in The Box Trolls Movie.


Giant Golden Goofy God Sun Man Grandfather:

Well, after swimming, in the river, we could have grown, or shrunk, to any size. I don't know, how many times, someone swallowed me. I fought, everyway, that I could, to be free.

I didn't know, that, all I had to do, was, to relax, completely. Then, I could just float out of an individual.

See? They can hear me. It won't take long, to get the tiny entities, out of, the larger ones.

There, you are. Everyone, is all right, now. I know, that, that's horrible. I still have swallowed, the water too. Stephanie is the worst. I think that, she's throwing numerous cyclone tantrums, at once; while trapped inside me.

I promise, I will never do anything to upset you, again. I know, that, I deserve severe punishment, ... : for treating you, like a marionette. You are a person, not a toy.