Let's Watch the Stephanianie's Movie

1. A family came to Conneticut. The balding, stout, and red haired father, regailed the troop with his memories of his Scottish family. "His naturally Heavenly low tenor voice captivates me. It's like listening to deep, stirring and strong music. I feel like I'm in the scene as Dad describes it. His rich, velvety and vibrant storytelling performance, is electrifying," His daughter said in a dreamy way.

2. The scene started as a stroll down a sidewalk, in a town. Slowly, a mist came from nowhere. It got thicker and thicker every few minutes. No one noticed.

3. Then, the air was replaced with golden mist.

4. By the time they knew what was happening, they were in a fog of soft golden sun-water. They were in a forest of Hawthorne Trees, on an island.

5. Everyone had amnesia. Actually, they were replicated. All the entities were anatomically correctly Heavenly healthy, and Strong. The original people, returned to their home. Nobody recognized them, except for Granny and Grandpa, who were enraptured to find their son, and grandchildren exquisitely healthy. "You are cured.