-----Fights are a tad anticlimactic, I'm re-watching avatar to sort of get how the fighting was done. Then try to put that into words maybe?-----
Feng Tai tried to kick me, and the Big guy who also had the name of Lee nearly hit me as well. "Well look at who it is! What are you doing Orin?"
"Taking a break from chores. Why did you attack me?"
"Why not?"
"Stop ignoring me! If you won't fight me I will just fight both of you!"
Fat Lee blasted a ring of fire toward us both. I just blocked it letting it pass over me. Feng Tai rolled through it. "I feel like this is gonna be boring."
"Wanna make it more interesting? After all, you are much more interesting to fight then this guy."
"AGHH! Would you two just fight!"
I sighed, I putting this nuisance down now might be good. If he doesn't cause me trouble in the future. The three of us ended up staring at each other. I couldn't even leave if I wanted to due to the audience we had. Thinking about it not only was this causing me problems here, if I didn't fight I would be seen as a coward. That would be a bigger problem than fighting, since Azula would likely say shit about it.
"Let's just get this over with, I got chores to do."
The two of them charged toward me. Feng Tai was faster, but Fat Lee had attacked beforehand sending a burst of fire my way. I slapped the fire away and dropped to the ground. Feng Tai didn't seem to use fire bending instead he tried to kick me. I blasted a burst of fire into his stomach though. Except he remained unharmed.
Fat Lee tried to swing at Feng Tai too, however he just swerved out of the way like it was nothing. Honestly speaking this was a big problem, specially since his movements reminded me of Ty Lee. With both being flexible and fast. However he didn't use chi blocking techniques instead using very strong strikes.
"Do you only dodge?"
"Do you only hide?"
Fat Lee was nearly foaming at his mouth, I had no idea what was wrong with him... but it wasn't helping. So I focused on him instead of Feng Tai, opting for a kick to his head I spun my self quickly around with a fire jet. He stumbled back slight and I performed another kick to his head with my other foot.
Feng Tai just smiled and watched as Fat Lee collapsed to the floor. "He was an idiot anyway....I knew you would come to see what was up if I fought him though. So i guess he had his use." He shrugged and kicked forward to try and hit me. I wanted to block an attack to strike him. However when he stuck the ship's floor with a kick. The dent left behind made me have second thoughts.
"So you just wanted to fight me?"
"Of course, had to get you in a situation like this. Otherwise I would've had to wait until we get to the Volcanic palace."
Who even was this guy? I sighed, "So annoying." I breathed in and my fingers began to glow. Sparks of electricity started to charge and shock displayed on everyone's faces. Revealing a little more of my abilities was fine enough to prove a point here and now.
"I-impossible..." Feng Tai was fast, but not fast enough to dodge lightning at such a close range. He collapsed on the floor with an anti climatic ending. I really didn't like fighting, I wanted to become stronger. However fighting was meaningless to me. Whispers were everywhere and I could hear her already.
"Hey princess, like my magic trick? I was just taking out the trash. Creating a disturbance like this on your ship is just ridiculous, i mean look at everyone who gathered around to watch it." I could see her face, she hadn't pushed people out of the way like I did. They just moved away out of fear of her presence.
"Come to my quarters, we will need to discuss your reward for taking care of these two. Fighting should only be sanctioned through and Angi Kai. For everyone else...I suggest you all get back to your respective positions."
As she left I checked her stats, strange, there was almost no change. Other than the the word next to Psyche no states changed.
"I'll finish my tasks first before I come back to you!"
Interesting, I left the deck and went to grab the laundry from the servant girl Azula had. After that I would stop by my room and head down to the lower decks where the washing tub was.
----So just fade to black and Orin is arriving at where the servant girl is.-----
I knocked on the door. Hearing a shuffling of what sounded like papers and...Beads? The woman opened the door, "H-Hello what are you doing here?"
"I'm here to get the princess's laundry from you." I held up the sheet of paper of all the chores. "I think these are supposed to be demeaning, but they're kind of easy."
"R-riight. Well, you know how it is... I'll go get them." She nearly slammed the door closed. Very suspicious, I could hear what sounded like liquid? A sort of glrgh glrgh sound. However it was so quiet I wasn't sure.
She opened the door again, "Here they are, C-Could you perhaps deliver these to the princess as well. Before she goes to bed tonight."
She held out a box of cherry plums, They looked wet. Maybe they were washed? "Alright? Why aren't you delivering them?"
"I-I just you know, I'm just writing to my family. He ha ha he..." Her laugh was incredibly fake.
"Are you delivering by messenger hawk? Those things are very quick. I wish I had family to write to sometimes..."
"Yes! I mean, sorry yes, by hawk. I want it to arrive to them quickly so I can hear back from them."
"Right, well. That's cool. I'll deliver these along with her washed clothes."
She slammed the door as soon as i finished speaking. Well, that was suspicious, I can confirm my suspicious later though. First things first was laundry.