----Okay so i decided that I would basically keep updating this one till it reaches 70 chapters, after that I will update my MHA fic to 70 and then I will be trying to update this fic, the DBZ fic and MHA fic with an equal # of chapters for each. I think this will be a good way to manage the time to write these.----
Once the day was ended Mai had gone home and Azula kicked me out. I had went back to the...I guess it was a hotel? I had ended up asleep on the couch. The next day I had spent some time with the others. The Tamlin guy was wicked good in cards and it took the entire day for everyone to just give up. Ultimately it turned into a battle for second instead. I had also learned that the other girl was named Muxia and that she and Tamlin could fire bend. Though Tamlin was apparently not that good.
Eventually by the thirdish day of being in the hotel. Counting the day I had spent with Azula, it eventually came to the day the Executioner guys to come back. They had a scroll and a bag of something.
"Glad to see you are all here."
Muxia had spoken out..."Not like we really had anywhere to go."
I looked away since I literally did go somewhere. The Blind executioner continued while Shai the mute started rummaging through the bag. "First things first you where all concluded to have skills and the intelligence to work under the command of Princess Azula. Thankfully Orin here has made it easy to come to a conclusion of how."
Everyone had looked to me and I just had an eyebrow raise. "I am sure you are all curious as to why? It is quite simply really he has been promoted to a Captain." Shai took out a triangular fire like badge. "You may wear the badge on your person or just keep it stored away. I would suggest just pocketing like most captains."
I took the Badge and stared at them. "I hate you."
The Blind bastard just smiled. The others in the room looked a little shocked. Well except Shai who understood why I had said that. "Its good that your quick to understand your new position. I suggest you solidify your position in your...crew."
"Crew? Wait he gets a crew? What about us?" Muxia had to question that didn't she. Thankfully the others were a little quicker on the take. "He means us, though I have to ask why the rank of captain?"
"Good question Tamlin, it was the best position to give him that would give him some kind of leadership while submitting a requestor form onto the Princess's ship."
Basically he meant it was the easy excuse. To break it down quickly they were already planning to set me closer to Azula. Me becoming a captain meant I would not only be required to interact near daily. It also meant they can pawn of the other four as my specific team. Likely skipping some more specific paperwork. Tamlin spoke up again, "So he's our boss now and his boss is the Princess?"
"Something like that, technically your specific jobs are to be the prodigies of the Princess. You were generally selected for certain reasons and what not. The making of Orin here just makes the placement of you all easier."
Hio spoke out, "So we are trophies? Aw man..." The Shai looked a little sad at that one, but his coworker answered. "If you wish to put it that way, however you could think of the more beneficial perks. I hear you like History correct? As a member of your group you can submit an access form to any of the Fire nation Archives. Since you would get express permission by one of the royal family members. Similar perks can be used by each of you, so enjoy your new jobs. Oh and Orin you will be required to head to the docks tomorrow and oversee the Princess's ship."
I could feel my eye twitch. Before the two left Shai handed out a second scroll that summed up the roles of everyone, It even included Lime. I got a better grasp on why each person was added. To summarize everyone was chosen for a specific skill level and knowledge base or skill set. Hio was an obvious pick due to his knowledge on history. He was also a skilled fighter thanks to the fire priests. Though I realized for the first time why he hadn't just joined the fire priest completely. Hio couldn't fire bend while all the fire priests could. A little fucked up to accept non-benders only to make them permanent trainees.
The others like Alexia were grouped due to skills. Alexia was apparently documented as a good reporter. Being both fast at writing and good with illustration. Then Tamlin despite being not the greatest fire bender had excellent scores in tactical thinking. Being noted as a good military advisor. Finally Muxia apparently was an engineer, or at least the fire nation's version of an engineer. I was a little impressed though Muxia didn't seem like the type to be knowledgeable in that category.
"Soooo...What now?" Muxia was the first to break the silence.
Alexia was the one to respond, "I guess Orin gets his orders from Princess Azula then? After that we follow his orders."
"At least that's easy for you. I hate leadership! Just because I can do it doesn't mean I want to!"
"Sucks to suck man, at least it seems we have a good spread of skills. They noted you down as being competent with orders and highly knowledgeable about bending... and Chemistry?" Tamlin it seemed never heard of chemistry. Muxia lit up though, "You know chemistry? Ah man! it was so hard to get into study courses for that. Back when I was in Royal Fire Academy for Girls only like 18 girls got into those classes. Not even the princess got into it!"
I just shrugged, I knew chemistry and science shit from my past life due to my vast knowledge of mostly useless facts. Heck I knew the way ducks reproduce...That never goes away I really wish I would forget those facts. "Its just something I picked up, I remember a lot of normally trivial or not used everyday knowledge."
Actually... "Hey wait, do you guys know any trivia games?"
"!Trivia?!" Alexia and Tamlin spoke. Tamlin followed up, "Do you mean like a board game quiz? Is this because you couldn't beat me in cards?"
I stared at him, "I'm your boss now so Imma advise you to shut the fuck up."
Everyone had a good laugh from that one. At least it seemed we would all be friendly with each other...
----Okay so there will be more interactions between these, but I'm more keeping this as untold story context for Orin doing his actually job. Along with these guys. This is due to I think if I include the untold context it might make too many not very interesting or satisfying chapters. So I'll do like brief sum up chapters that will be labeled as {Title of chapter, Chapter #.5} These will likely be short chapters and won't have much else.-----