Off Script

-----So Tobus_Mobus for your sake, there's a Aux chapter of the MC's description. Described his looks a bit, gave a bit about his personality as well. I Imagine others will likely also want it, but its there now as an Aux chapter. I read all the comments so as a reminder if you want an Aux chapter of something or have notes on something you could comment it.-----

Once the show finished, it was Ty Lee that instantly ran over to us. She basically tackled Azula and Mai. Except they acted more like a wall and she just bounced off them. "OMG Why didn't you guys tell me you were coming here! Azula I loooove the hat! You two are the best, being sneaky and going undercover. So did you guys like the show?"

Azula looked at me and looked back at Ty Lee and back at me. I beamed my eyes into her to follow the script I gave her. "It was great Ty Lee, I would've done something with fire, but you were fantastic. This is Orin by the way, he's my new friend."

"That's not in your script." I glared into Mai, "Script what script?" I forced my way into a handshake with Ty Lee. "Like she said I'm Orin." Azula clearly wanted to get back at me for the script in the first place telling she had a smirk on her face. "You see Ty Lee the script Mai mention is because Azula is a bitch. Who doesn't understand time and place for jabs!"

I smiled at Azula with a straight face while speaking, Ty Lee for her part just stared awkwardly taking a few steps back over to Mai. "Mai what is happening?"

"I don't know Azula likes Orin and Orin I guess likes her back. Honestly the two are both horrible." Azula chimed in, "Orin's worse, can you believe he just called me, the princess a bitch?" I could only breakdown in pain. I knew what Azula was doing, I placed a hand on her head. "Stop messing with Ty Lee or she'll have a panic attack or something. I mean she hugged you and Mai and neither of you lashed out at her. I'm sure she is freaking out internally."

"OH NO! You are right! AGH, I did it again and now that you pointed it out I'm totally freaking out!"

"Well Orin now who's messing with Ty Lee." I began a gesture, miming rolling up a window. Azula frowned at my gesture. "Really? Real mature Orin." "What's wrong Azula, you don't like my birdie?"

"Mai are we safe?" "Yeah i should've figured this was gonna go down hill." Mai spoke in a monotone imitation of me. "So I'll just pitch you Orin's speech. You wanna join us on an adventure? We are going to a magic spirit library. After that who knows! Maybe will go on more tourist destinations. Heck even Azula is trying to become a better person, maybe we can find a rainbow and a happy ending at the end of it."

"That's not even close to my speech." "Mai was pretty accurate though Orin. I mean your scripts kind of sucked." "MY SCRIPTS WERE GREAT!"

Ty Lee broke in between us. "Sure I guess I'll join you guys... Though umm how did Orin become your friend? and can I be your friend too Orin?" I shrugged, "I mean I thought that was a given since you would be join us. it would suck if we didn't like each other. Also..." I was about to begin my summary of meeting Azula and her many failed manipulation attempts.

Except she pushed me away from Ty Lee, "Poor life choices, now how about we three go eat something." "What about me?" "Shhh Orin, I'll be a good girl. Now shoo."

I frowned, "Alright I get it. I'm going to go find some funnel cake." Azula wanted what I can only consider girl talk. I imagine it would go something like her both doing what I told her on the script. While also talking to the more girly and relationship friend. Azula was gonna both lower Ty Lee's guard while also getting advice on how to... well be flirty with me.

"What's funnel cake?" Mai grabbed Ty Lee, while Azula responded. "Orin says a lot of weird things. Just ignore him and let's go."

It seemed funnel cake might not exist...What a world I live in now.

-----Azula pov-----

It was about an hour after we left Orin behind and I figured it was about time to get back to him. "I can't believe you love Orin! When I first saw him sitting in the stand with you two I did think he was pretty cute."

"I wouldn't say that...but I do have feelings I want to show him." Mai was walking ahead of us, but she suddenly disappeared. "What happened to Mai?"

Ty Lee looked around with me, but I spotted Mai first. Walking over to Mai, she was waiting in a line. "What are you doing?" "Seeing what your boyfriend is doing." "He's not my boyfriend, yet."

Ty Lee came up behind us, "Yeah Mai, Orin is just a boy who's a friend that Azula likes." I wanted to frown at Ty Lee. I could only hold back through breathing out, "So where's Orin?"

Mai pointed at a stand where food was being served. "He's behind the food stand serving food." Sitting in line seemed stupid and i wanted to just cut past everyone. "I don't want to wait in line."

"Oh! Since I work for the circus I can bring us around the back. Let's go see what he's doing!"

I sighed, "Lead the way Ty Lee." I had a feeling Orin was doing something based on what he said about funnel cake.

----So this chapter is just the test chapter for Ty Lee's personality. I think I nailed the bubbliness of her personality. I'll have a chapter between her and MC to establish why she was so willing to join right away. Unlike in the show where she first tells Azula that she's happy at the circus.-----