The library

-----So i got food poisoning so that was nice. So uh, now onto the chapter.-----

I got a tad lost, I was now on what I think might be the bottom floor. The library had 5 individual floors and the bottom was by far the most extensive. This was floor was mostly journals, ancient scrolls and lost information. Reading a few of them I got an idea on just how exactly the strange anomalies I had seen come to pass.

A scuffed up leather bound note book with paper made of literal skin documented the first... um, I'll say trans-migrator. Essentially universe's 'bled' and that led to the creation to new worlds and universes. Apparently Atla's uh realm? The sort of container it was existing in, pre-dated my original universe. Except my home universe was on a faster passage of time or something.

"Ah, I found you."

I jumped as Won Shi Tong came up to me. He almost made no sound it was a little terrifying. "Yeah, just reading these..."

Won Shi Tong bristled, "Ah, those... Are you able to understand its content?"

I blinked and, "Oh yeah, I guess it is in another language. I can read it yeah."

The giant owl shook in negative. "I now the language I have enough books to learn the language. I mean the actual contents. Even the spirits older then I believe it is wild imagination."

That made sense. I mean the journal was written by some... My eyes widened, "Wait have you ever talked to the lion turtles?"

Won Shi Tong did something like a eyebrow raise and shook his head. "I haven't, they repelled spirits like myself away from the places they lived."

Oh boy, how much should I share here? He would ask me questions eventually. I scratched my chin, and shrugged, "Wanna talk about it?"

Won Shi Tong stared at me with bead like eyes. "I would yes."

Oh boy he was one creepy guy.

-----Azula pov-----

I broke away as soon as possible. I wanted to find out why my fire bending has been wonky. Ugh that sounds like something someone else would say. Looking through the books passively would take for ever. At least the sections were labelled. peeking around to the fire nation section I...

"FFFF-RUGFHKER!" I did not believe that idiot Zhao would burn so much generational knowledge. This is why I suggested he never be promoted in the first place. But! Oh Daddy knows best, oh grand fire lord!

A fox brushed next to me. I kicked it away for it to only stare at me and brush against me again. "What the hell, go away."

>Follow< >Learn< >Guide<

What? Did it just, no that was like. It certainly didn't speak, but that wasn't like. "Do you want me to follow you?"

It nodded and leap forward. Following behind the fox assistant spirit thing, it lead me down a staircase and around a bend to a different set of shelves of a much smaller variety. Only about 20 books lined a small shelf. The fox pointed to it and then just wandered away.

Picking up one of the books. "Raising a baby bender."

Was this a joke? I picked up another, "Bending and you, how your personality effects bending."

These were children books. The fox brushed against me and dropped a set of scrolls. It pointed to the scrolls then the shelf. >Need< >Path< >Learn<

it then ran off before I could kick the thing for its idea of a comedy. I picked up one of the three scrolls and looked at it. I sorta, well I wasn't sure what I was looking at. It looked like some kind of bending scroll. It was a firebender, but the bending wasn't a fire form. I put it down and looked at the others. A even older scroll that just had characters on it. Reading it off it seemed like a poem about fire and smoke.

Picking up the last scroll or actually just a picture. It was, the picture was beautiful. I felt calm looking at it. Though it was image of a past avatar, I could recognize it as a fire bender. They had elements around them, but each element blended in the next. Earth to mud to water to steam to fire and then into...

"Hmmmm", it could be possible. it was never recorded and even here it is clear this is only about philosophy of bending. The scroll with the form is clearly only a theoretical form. Something similar to water bending? No, Air bending, I've never seen it, but stories from when I was a kid were. Yeah the form scroll was something like the air bending Baguazhang.

I blinked, and looked at the children's books. These would actually be helpful, because of course they would.

-----So uh, sorry this is a tad late, wanted it to be longer. Except i hate food poisoning it is awful. Specially with my specific medical history. So fuck my life, hope y'all are doing better then me, while sick i think I'll binge Atla for the 6th time?-----