
Entering the small pottery shop I found 8 people sitting at a table. I waved to the familar faces and new ones.

"Orin just on time." General Lee smiled greeting me.

I nodded, "Hey General Lee, Phil, Dave, Gary."

General Lee gestured, "Just call me Lee, Orin."

I nodded, "So What are y'all here for and well..." I gestured to the other four people.

Lee introduced them, "This is Inuri, he's the shop owner. The other three are higher ranking members and will be explaining everything once greetings are done."

Gary gave a thumbs up, "We were given a brief summary by Ge- Lee. Can't get used to that, how are you Orin?"

I shrugged, "About as you'd expect I guess."

Inuri got up, "Would you like some tea?"

I nodded and he scuffled off. Letting my attention cross to the 3 unnamed individuals. One of them with a pretty impressive mustache spoke first. "My name is Ched, this is Lhao and finally Ugo. You already know these three and Lee. I am sure you know why Lee is here, but let us explain why you three are here."

Dave nodded, "Yeah Lee told us about this meeting and all that, but why ar-"

"I'll explain hold your horses. Phil, Dave, Gary. You three are here for the same reason Orin is here. You are trustworthy."

We all raised our level of curiosity. Ched continued, "You three have your secrets and you can keep secrets. Not to mention you three are highly underestimated. Perfect for this job."

"Job? Wait if this is about them, how do I fit in?"

"Orin you fit in this plan because you got an invite to the earth kingdom's party in a week time didn't you?"

"I did?" It then hit me, "You expected me too?"

Lhao smiled, "Indeed, I had bet you would weasel into party one way or another."

Lee nodded, and Ched went on. "These three will enter the party as servants. Our goal of this is to reveal the shadow government of Ba Sing Se. Orin I am sure you have met one of the Joo Dees'?"

I nodded, "Yeah i have, Though i gotta take a guess are you part of the whole..?"

Ched nodded, "I am the royal treasurer. It is unfortunate to see the actions taken behind his majesty's back. However it is time for change."

Lhao smiled, "Indeed! You see, oh actually let me explain who am a bit. I am the Fire Nation's Head of Industry. I inherited my job from my father and personally..." Lhao face darkened, "I do not like Ozai, to many times have my ideas been suppressed. Outsourcing invention to someone not even from the fire nation."

Lhao shook his head, "Which leads us to why we are starting with the freedom of Ba Sing Se."

I interrupted, "So you want to sell fire nation tech to the earth kingdom to end the war."

Lhao laughed, "Exactly! Then when through the grapevine I heard about you. So can I ask you on your thoughts abo-"

I interrupted him mid-sentence, "Azula wants to overthrow her father. Anything else?"

Everyone looked at me confused and I shrugged, "Its a long story."

Which just left Ugo to speak, "Well then my purpose is basically pointless, I will send a message to the high-rank members." Ugo got up and left leaving us to just sit around.

Lee spoke up, "Well would you like to tell the story?"

"Yeah sure."

----Sokka pov----

Thank god Poppy managed to distract that Joo Dee lady. She drove me crazy. Toph's mom started talking all about kids while Aang, Toph and Katara were just practicing bending. leaving me alone, I sighed.

I miss Yue, I miss Suki! "AND I AM CONFLICTED!" Slumping slightly i marched around exploring. On one hand I wanted to ask poppy about my feelings. She was older and uh, well she might understand. On the other hand I was glad she distracted Joo Dee because she just kept following me around. I think she knew I was suspicious of her. After all no way anyone would be that happy and smile for that long.

I stopped in front of a weapons shop. I might as well browse, right? Entering the story it was quiet and filled with all sorts of interesting toys. Looking at a shield I debated about it. The shield was one of those earth helms. It could double as a hat, but obviously I can't really use it as intended. Browsing the window items might be better.

A nice spear, useless. A sword, which i could use, but... I should learn swordsmanship if I buy a sword like this one. A double edged blade with a silvery shine, it was certainly something. Looking through the glass I blinked. Across the street was a pottery shop, but I just saw literally 7 people walk out. They all shook hands and 3 broke off while four of them talked.

One of them made eye contact and I felt my stomach sink for a second. The one who made eye contacted waved his friends off and leaned against the wall. He started chewing on some jerky as he stared at me. Once his friends left the corner he waved and smiled.

I prepared myself for anything just as he began walking across the street. If I had to- "Holy shit! It is you. Sokka right? Part of the Avatar gang right?"

"My name is Sokka."

He smiled, "Ah don't worry man. I'm not gonna do anything, glad you are in the city actually makes my life so much easier."

Grabbing a axe off the wall inspecting it I looked at him, "How so?"

"Well number one I gotta say huge fan of your jokes. Heard some from a traveling merchant I have to say they were great."

My eyebrow perked up and I set the axe back down. I couldn't explain why, but for some reason I felt like this was gonna turn into something else.

"Wanna get a drink? We can exchange some jokes and maybe get a little drunk?"

He raised his eyebrows up and down and I realized. He gave the same feeling as Bato! I am gonna end up blacked out tonight...

"Want some jerky?"

I took it out of the strangers hand and inspected it. "Well sure, but you know my name what's yours?"

He grabbed my hand and shook it, "My name is Orin, Champion of both Lions and Turtles. Heh, is that a good introduction?"

I smiled, and shook my head. "Let's go get that drink."