
-----Man I've been super busy lately so didn't get to sit down and write much. So sorry about that, onward to the chapter though!------

After everything died down, eventually the Hou Ting was arrested for conspiracy. Which was nice it was a loose end and I never even had to meet the witch. Ty Lee met her when she was being moved around, oh man Its been a while. Though pretty sure their was a name for people like her.

Now however I needed to open up the process. The 'captured' city of Ba Sing Se would be reported to the fire lord by Azula. Their was no stolen mail like the original story, however I was surprised when a letter did make its way to Sokka and Katara. Well I should rephrase no important mail. I apparently received 9 different letters from my mother of this world.

Which to be expect I Ignored, not only did I not care for her as my family. I didn't even have that great of an impression of her. It was a load of bs and I throw them all out. Ty Lee was the one who gave me them so hopefully she didn't find out, i felt like she would be hurt by it. While still understanding and I didn't want to have that moment with her.

Which left me with the one more thing to address, which I really didn't want to. Training Aang, Since Azula had to report the 'Capture' of Ba Sing Se. I had an idea, Aang would travel with Me, Zuko and Sokka. We would be traveling to the Guru since Aang never got the letter I figured why not. From there I would stay at the temple and Aang and Zuko would find a way to the fire nation.

This would be a fake capture of the avatar, a good strategy in my opinion. As it would get Aang in position for a straight up nasty inside job. I would need to send a few letters though. The only real negative was that Sokka had to come with so he could pilot Appa safely away. I would then be left alone, where I would then miracle my way to find the lion turtle graves.

Ty Lee looked over my shoulder at my notes. "Wow you planned a lot, do you think everything will go the way you want? Like what if they put the avatar in the boiling rock?"

I looked at Ty lee, "Good question I guess, though its guaranteed he will be put somewhere in the capital. Azula can easily find out the location and free him. With the parts mapping out possible invasion dates its really up to what happens."

"Who's the Guru?"

I shrugged leaning back, "Some old guy, my guess is he is immortal or something. He is like 300 or something."

She nodded, "What are you gonna do with this alone time?"

"Train most likely? Why do you ask?"

Ty Lee sat down on a seat across from me. "Eh, I just don't want to visit my family. If I go with Azula I will have to see them."

I nodded, "Yeah I mean to ask about that, how do you have so many identical sisters. Like how did your mom even handle that?"

Ty Lee shrugged, "She used to say with plenty of blood, sweat and tears."

Made sense I suppose, other then alcohol I don't imagine any other way to suppress that pain. I flipped some pages and began coming back and forth between them. I had written down rumors and stories I heard to investigate.

Ty lee was making some noise and then she spoke again. "Do you think I can come with you?"

I looked up at her and she had adjusted her clothes. I smirked, "As much as i certainly love that offer, sadly you can't. However I think I can give you an excuse to not visit you family."

Ty Lee smiled, "What is it?"

"So you have been talking to Sokka and Katara right? Well they will be visiting their father after this and most likely gathering the people they met on their adventures. One of those people is this girl named Suki."

"Oh yeah! She's a kyoshi warrior right? They use such beautiful fans. Though the outfit is left to be desired."

"Right, well why don't you learn their stuff while you teach them the Chi blocking techniques."

Ty lee bit her lip, "But that's supposed to-"

"Stay in your family? Yet you have how many sisters? How many kids is that? How many generations do you think that will stay in your family? I think you will enjoy the feeling of being a teacher. You remind me of one I had."

"A teacher? I'm not so sure, the teachers I had were... The worst."

"I think more of an elementary teacher, but still I think you would enjoy teaching some people."

Ty lee nodded and I gave her a smile. A fighting force of individuals that can block Chi. That is certainly a powerful force against benders. So it was best to get that going as a Plan C for any bender based problems. Not to mention I think Ty Lee needed some girl power? That wasn't right she needed a clique?

I preformed a mental shrug as I couldn't think of the right word. However the improvement of my friends lives was still important. I had no doubt Ty lee would still rank her friendship with Azula, Mai and even me more important then the Kyoshi warriors. Well Actually I knew it was more important because of the relation ship stats. I mean Ty lee had max, it would be weird if she prioritize them over...

I facepalmed I stopped my notes, returning back to them I planned the rest of my route.