Chapter 6

All three of the boy's dropped us, yes literally dropped us on the ground, and that hurt. All of the boys turned around to the three idiots who slapped our asses and gave them glares like they would be 10 feet underground in 10 minutes.

"Nice asses," the one with the blonde hair said, his other two minions nodded thier heads while smirking.

"Bella I think you should go," Ant said.

"No no no anti they can't get away with the bullshit they just did and I can handle them," I said.

I walked over to them and punched all of them straight in the nose, one passed out and I smirked. I walked over to the other two bitches who were holding thier noses and I whispered in their ears.

"Now listen you two pieces of shit holes, fucking mess with me or my sister's again and you will fucking see the devil himself so I suggest you leave now before you end up like you little friend over there,"

I said nodding my head over to their little friend who passed out from just a punch fucking weak asshole. They both looked scared and they just stood there frozen, so I kicked one in the ball,s and then I punched the other one in his dick.

"Never underestimate a woman you bitch, now I want you to apologize to all of us and wake up your useless friend and beg for forgiveness then leave us the fuck alone, "I said through gritted teeth because my blood was boiling.

They had fear in their eyes, I hate it when boys think they can treat girls the way they like, I've been through that before but we won't talk about it now. They shook their friend awake and he bolted up and immediately started shaking with fear. They told him what I said they should do and he nodded all of them got to their knees.

"We are so very sorry for disrespecting you guys like that it was very wrong of us to do that, I hope you can forgive us, please forgive us, "the leader," said, I just scoffed, nodded, and rolled my eyes.

"We forgive you but it doesn't mean we are done with you idiots my brother still has to deal with you three putas(bitches), so don't think you got away with it, "I said while putting on a fake smile.

"Boys they are all yours, "I said and skipped to the lunch table. The boys had evil smirks on their faces and cracked their knuckles.

"You know what Lil sis, we will deal with them when there are no people around," Alessandro said.

"Go now we'll catch you guys later," Hannah said.

We all walked to our lunch table together and sat down. I was about to sit down when Dante sat and there was no other place to sit.

"Where do I sit because there's no place for me"I whined pouting my lips.

"Awwwww principessa you can sit on my lap come on," Dante said. The idiot sat in my place on purpose.

"No, never in a million years would I sit on my brother's lap in school during lunch nope not gonna happen, "I said crossing my arms over my chest.

So here I am 5 minutes later sitting on my cousin/brother's lap pouting like a five-year-old.

"Oh come on baby it's not that bad," Lorenzo said, I just glared at him but sighed anyways. I saw Hannah and Ella hasn't said a word. Hannah is blushing like crazy because Giovanni is sitting next to her, he's not even taking note of her he looks like he's in deep thought and so is Ella. So I threw my pencil in her face.

"Bitch what the fuck is wrong with you estas Loka Perra(you crazy bitch)" she said shouting at me.

"What you looked like you're in deep thought so I ruined your thinking," I said while shrugging, she just rolled her eyes and showed me her middle finger. I gasped and put a hand over my heart pretending to be hurt.

"Wow, sister I'm really hurt, "I said while wiping my fake tears away. She just chuckled shaking her head probably saying, how did I get so lucky to have such crazy cousin-like bells. We all talked and laughed during lunch but then the bell rang I wanted to check out the dancing studio, and the singing room but I'll do that after school because all the boys are doing tryouts and I have to wait so while I'm waiting I'll just check it out and I also want to try out for the girl soccer team and cheerleading and track, I love running.

Ella and Han are also trying out for soccer and cheerleading I don't think they trying out for track. I checked what class we have next and we have PE next which is also with all the boys and fucking Ryder I really hope he doesn't bother me.

I and the girls went to the girls' locker room and changed into our PE uniform the shorts weren't too short thank god, not to brag or anything but I do have a big ass all three of us we are all half Latinas and me and Ella are half Italian.

"You ready?" Han asked me and Ella we both nodded our heads and we were on our way to PE let's just hope Ryder doesn't bother me.

We got to the field and the coach was really strict he told us to do 10 laps around the whole fucking football field but I guess I don't have a problem with it. I was running on my own when the strong familiar scent hit my nose and I immediately knew it was Ryder.

"What do you want now Ryder didn't I tell you to leave me alone and you already got a punch in the face from me, you don't wanna lose your babies next so I suggest you just leave me alone," I said not even looking at him, I could practically hear the smirk on his face.

"Come on baby, I just wanna get to know you that's all is there something wrong with me trying to be friends with you," he complained. I stopped running and turned to look at him.

"Yes there is a problem, my brothers are super protective and if they see me with you they will murder you and I have 12 brothers in total and I don't want you being in a coma because I kinda like you so please don't say anything after this and just leave me alone for today, "I said. He still didn't fucking leave what is it with this fucking kid god.

"Awwwww you care about me but ok princess I'll leave you alone for today," he said and with that, he ran along but not before throwing a wink and that beautiful smile of his. No Bella snaps out of it.

I just continued to run while thinking about Ryder.

This dude is going to be the death of me.

1199 words.