CHAPTER 7: The Inn.

" Ok. First, let's see " Sakura told and looked at the air. She was using the map to check the Inns.

" So! Harley is going to be a leader, right? " Sakura asked me while checking the map.

" Yep. He is going to be a leader. Leader Harley. Not bad " MinMin told from the sidelines.

We were sitting on the bench and I was in the middle. We still didn't know anything about this town and this town existed in the Beast-Men's Kingdom so I could see a lot of different races.

I saw Cat Girls, Dog Girls, Lion Girls, and many more. I even found some humans and Elves. I didn't see Demons that much.

' Damm. I want to pat them ' I thought while looking at catgirls. Most of the natives didn't even come to us. More like they were avoiding us. It was totally understandable if you put yourself on their views.

Some players tried to start a conversation with them but the natives immediately ran away. Definitely, a lot of people here didn't know about us and we also didn't know about them at all. The town looked like the middle-aged town that I usually saw in Fantasy's novels and the town gave a peaceful feeling. People did whatever they were doing.

My eyes detected some people which hiding in the shadow. Some wore full plates armors and holding a sword.

' A knight ' I thought. This was possible. They were guarding this place against unforeseen circumstances.

' There must be thieves or a class that can collect information or scans our status to collect our strengths. Damm. ' I thought and my hand shook a little bit and tried to think the different ways. I thought to call Sakura but I denied those thoughts because what if there was a way to interrupt the player's call or it would be best to pretend that we didn't notice them. When I was in deep thoughts, a warm hand held my hand gently. I looked at the hand's owner.

" Don't worry, I will do everything the best I can " Sakura told me with a smile.

It looked like she already knew that people were collecting our information. Sakura was a very smart person but she always liked to stay as a mysterious person. Besides she hated to become a leader that's why she didn't go with her female friends. Sakura got a top grade and was very popular at our school even though everybody in the school knew she was lesbian. Of course, there were a lot of people who mocked and older generations that saw her as a weirdo. She didn't care anything at all. Well, she was indeed a weirdo.

When I was young, I lived near around Sakura's family but my parents didn't let me befriend with her because of her family. Her father was Yakuza and her mom was a whore. No one wanted their kid influenced by a bad environment.

We became this close when I was in middle school and we both had the same interests besides our friendship was very deep.

" I found over affordable 20 Inns. We have a total of 45 Silver Coins. We need to buy gears to fight the monsters and to level up so we definitely need to save money" Sakura told me.

" Umm! I also want to change my weapon. I feel like I don't like swords at all. How can I say? Yep something inside me is changing like values " MinMin said.

" It must be due to your race. I also feel my desires are changing like I want to fuck girls, want to have sex, too much Horny. What about you Harly? But it's controllable. It is very strange. " Sakura voiced.

" No. I don't feel anything at all. " I told with a forced smile.

" Because you are plain, " Sakura told me.

" Of course, He is just jealous brat " MinMin finished up with words.

" You guys. Please stop. My heart is bleeding, Let's go to book the Inn. " I stood up from the bench and both of them also stood up. We followed Sakura and I believed Sakura would make the best Inn that existed in the best place.

We walked slowly while walking and Natives made a way for us. Like we were plagues, I tried to make eye contact but they avoided my glances immediately.

' I need to ask Ahira about her place. ' I thought. We sightseeing the town while checking the place carefully. We chatted from time to time. Sakura and MinMin didn't chat at all because this was the first time they were meeting in the REAL world . They chatted through me and we were going to need time to build the proper party. We entered small street after small street and the map system was pretty great.Still, this was the first time for us. It took time to reach the designated place. Sakura was pretty good at using a map and we reached in front of a certain Inn.

The inn was not small or big, just a normal two storey building. The Inn's structure was pretty average and there had no outstanding shapes or structures.

" Here " Sakura told while looking at the Inn's name.

" PigNPig " I read the Inn's name and it was definitely a strange name. Sakura opened the door and greeted us with an unknown language. The owner of the voice immediately shouted and ran away to the back of the building. That owner of the voice ran too fast and I didn't even see its appearance at all.

" Undgh hjjffd fhjjio giiooh " I heard another voice and this time, it's a manly voice.

I found a middle-aged man and his height was around over 6 feet. I needed to lift my head to look at him. His body was so big, I could see muscle from his clothes besides he was wearing an apron and a small T-shirt. That man had lion Ears and a tail. He gave a warm and peaceful feeling.

[ Name - Foka

HP - 100%

Race - LionKin

Affiliation - PigNPig's Owner ]

I found a status beside him and Sakura smiled at the man. She started the conversation.

' Interesting, HP shows in the percent. ' I thought.

" Uihshsj hsisk duoos gshuo shhs " Sakura talked back.

I just looked at them because I didn't understand their conversation.

" Mhmm. Please follow me " that man suddenly talk in Human's language and Sakura looked at me. She nodded at me.


No Chapter for tomorrow.