CHAPTER 11: Natsu No Mai

Immediately I got bad feelings and my body twitched like electricity touched my body.

" Hi, Sakura. Are not you thinking something foolish? Our hands are filled with many things" I asked Sakura with a tiny tone and hinted ' Please don't ' vibe in my tone.

" Oh! I just think that Dragonic girl looks cute and I just want to strip her body, see her naked body. Besides that, I am not thinking any dangerous thoughts though" Sakura replied to me with a devilish face.

" I see. What about that Catgirl though? She is really beautiful" I told her with a poker face.

" No. That woman is the same kind as me. She is not probably used goods unlike me but still, she is as worse as me, maybe worse than me. I might use my other friends for my profits but I will never use you like that. But I wonder does she have that kind of friend? " Sakura replied to me flatly and looked at Dragonic girl.

" So you can recognize your own kind," I told her with a nod. I didn't comment on her words and Sakura was an intelligent woman that could stand her own in this world without any problems.

MinMin went to the toilet to check its condition. It was useable or not. Toilets were freaking important for our daily lives so I wished for him. At least, he needed to use that Toilet for a week.

Sakura watched their mouths carefully and after they cut off the conversation. She entered and told that catgirl with a smile.

' I have a bad feeling about this I thought. I looked at Foka and that catgirl.

" Foka, Do you have any recommendations for gears to buy and sell? Also, I would like to ask a recommendation for Potions " I asked Foka and Sakura was talking with that group, had a smile on her face. I checked their status. I could hear them because I was near them. Sakura introduced herself even though she didn't need it because we could see their names. That Catgirl also introduced herself and her name was ' Natsu No Mai ' and I looked at her status screen.

[ Player's Name - Natsu No Mai

Health Points - 100/100

Titles -None

Class - None ]

" Oh! I recommend ' Rey's second shop ' for gears and ' Nami's Potions ' for Potions. Both of their qualities are great. I can guarantee that " Foka answered my question.

[ You got recommendations from Foka.

Rey's second shop can locate on the map

Nami's potions can locate on the map ]

[ Congratulations! you finished Hidden Mission. -Ask recommended places from NPC

Rewards - 10Exp, 2 Silver Coins ]

' Oh! ' I was surprised by the sudden robotic voice and I accepted my coins. I thanked to Foka and I looked at Sakura. They had already finished the introduction.

I looked at their status screens to check their names. First, I looked at the Dragonic girl. She had long black hair and at the end of her hair's color was flame color. She was definitely the cute girl that you wanted to protect from any kind of harm.

[ Player's Name - Rae

Health Points - 135/135

Titles - None

Class - None ]

' Damm. As expected from Dragonkin their health points are too much. ' I thought. I looked at to another boy from their group. He had medium-length scruffy blonde hair and blue eyes with a fair skin tone. His height was around 120 centimeters and had a small body. His face shape was cute but gave a mature aura around him. He was definitely Pallum like Sakura but he received Pallum's physical features. I didn't see any worthy things except he had a small body. I looked at him and he had a third eye on his forehead. That third eye was closing so I needed to look it carefully.

[ Player's name - Fin the END

Health Points- 80/80

Title - None

Class - None ]

I moved to the another member and he also had a handsome face. His face went to the manly side. He had lion ears and a lion tail, he also had big wings on his back.

[ Player's name - Dill

Health Points - 110

Title - None

Class - None ]

My eyes moved to the last member and unlike other people he was not that handsome, he gave natural charm that could attract young naive maiden girls. He was what people called White Knight or the hero of justice. He was a plain human like me, his eyes were blue eyes that resembled blue sea, hair that resembled blue sky . In his neck, there had grills on each side.

[ Player's Name - Seigi No Mikata

Health Points - 100/100

Title - None

Class - None ]

" His name is Harley and that man's name is MinMin. Harley is our leader and we are planning to buy gears. Do you want to come with us? " Sakura asked.

" I will politely decline your request. How about tomorrow? we will accept the party's quest or level up together " Mai finished with a bow.

" No no. I also apologized for my sudden request " Sakura also did a bow and they said goodbye. Mai's party went to the second floor.

" Foka, what did she ask? " MinMin asked.

" Oh! she asked the same questions as this gentleman asked. Oh! she asked about the Dungeon near our town that is governed by a nearby city. " Foka answered.

" I see. Thank you for that. We will go now. By the way, Foka can you help me with something? " I asked Foka.

" MinMin, ask Foka the recommended places for clothes and Sakura ask for food," I told them.

" Why? " MinMin complained.

" Just do it. " I told him back. They asked for recommendations and they also finished the Hidden mission.

" Here for you, Foka. Thank you for your help " I gave him one silver coin.

" Oh! thank you. " Foka accepted it without hesitating.

" Let's go," I told them and we went to ' Rey's second shop '. I looked at a map and went to that shop. That shop didn't show on the map formerly. Even though Foka's Inn appeared on the map. There's over 20 shops on the map to buy and sell gears.

" What do you think about this? Sakura " I asked Sakura while going to the Gears shop.

" About what? " Sakura asked me.

" About this map function. Rey's second shop and Nami's shop didn't appear on my map and after asking from Foka, they appeared on my map. What do you think! " I asked her.