Hard Time


Arike’s POV

(Flashback Continues)

"Arike? You have to -"

"I promise. I won't engage in premarital sex."

"Pinky promise?" She smiled.

"Pinky promise." She locked our fingers.

"I will buy you a big house and a car too when I have a lot of money."

"The I can't wait for you to grow up..my baby." She kissed me on my cheeks.


She didn't stay alive for me to buy her a car or a house. My mom died a year after and she didn't get to fulfill some promises she made to me like telling me who my father was, attending my graduations and buying my law outfits.

And what about me? I failed her! I only got to become a Lawyer but I didn't fulfill my promise of not engaging in Pre-Marital Sex. That promise has be the reason why I never had a boyfriend. I was scared that I would be compelled to lose my virginity if I got involved with any man.