He is awake

Arike's POV


"Arike!" I heard a familiar voice that didn't call my name the right way.

I whipped around in the airport,a smile spreading across my face as I saw aunty Sade and Daniel waving at me.

Daniel was the designated driver working at the Foster Home. I have known him for four years now and he was pretty close to my uncle.

"I missed you so much!" Aunty Sade said with an half smile.

"I missed you too!" I hugged her.

I exchanged pleasantries with Daniel who was about my age.

"Good to see you again,Arike!" Daniel grinned as he collected my boxes.

"Likewise Daniel." I replied.

We made it out of the airport to the car. I hopped into the back seat with Aunty Sade while Daniel loaded the boxes in the booth.

"You must be really tired." Aunty Sade said.

"Not really ma,I am okay."

I am more concerned about my uncle who was still unconscious in the hospital.

"What about Busayomi?" She asked