Black woman

Arike's POV

I walked out of my room and made my way to the garage where I could find Daniel. He was alone but the on phone with his back against me. I stopped to not attract his attention,hoping to find out the reason why he wasn’t going home to his family.

“We already talked about this..” he said. “I am not coming home this Christmas...I have a lot to do at the foaster home.”

I couldn’t hear what the other person was saying because the phone wasn’t on speaker. But Daniel was lying to whoever he was conversing with.

“Mom can you just forget about the black woman? It is not about her.”

Black woman? Who? I haven’t seen him with any black woman and I am not sure Daniel has been seeing any woman. We are a bit closer enough for him to tell me about it if he has one in his life.

“This is none of your business. Whether it is a black woman or not..I am not going to do what you are asking. I have to get going now.” He concluded.