Lost but found

Story by: Authoress Ademide

Arike’s POV

My eyes scanned the area and panic set in about two minutes after realizing that my daughter was gone. At first, I told myself that it was no big deal. Iteoluwa was probably over in the children book section checking to see if there would be an interesting princess book or if Barbie collection has been updated.

When I got to the book aisle, she wasn’t there so once again I thought she would have wandered to the teddy bear collections. Iteoluwa was a sucker for teddy bears. And when she wasn’t there either, I became concerned.

My heartbeat accelerated but I told myself to calm down and not overreact. But I couldn’t calm down, the shoprite mall was big with lot of people in it so I was scared even though I had warned her to never talk to strangers to and stay in one place if perhaps she got separated from me in a public place though it had never happened before.