She is getting married

Arike's POV


"Seems like my little princess still needs to get some sleep." Uncle Badejo carried sleeping Iteoluwa from the couch and swirled her around to keep her awake.

"Grandpa!!" She giggled.

"Wake up! Wake up! It's time for school!" He tickled her.

She laughed.

I handed some of the kids backpacks to them as I call the names on each tag.

"She didn't sleep early!" Uncle Badejo glared at me.

I went to him. "Yes dad..she didn't get enough rest."


"She was up talking to her godmother and won't let me have a chat with her." I explained.

"Is that true princess?"

"Yes Grandpa...big mommy promise buy me a big teddy bear!" She clapped her hands in excitement.

"Oh! That's so sweet! But you have lots of teddy bears princess."

She nodded. "Zoe wants a sibling too."

We laughed. Iteoluwa did a great job at naming all her toys. So a pink teddy named Zoe was the last one her grandpa bought for her.