The perfect actress

Arike’s POV

My eyes pleaded with Dayo as I held on to his his hands, assuring him that everything would be fine.

“Dayo, I need you to trust me and the lawyers with the truth. We can’t do anything if you choose to remain silent.” I said.

He gave me a doubtful look, I knew it wasn’t going to be easy getting him to spill the truth but we needed whatever truth he knows to get him out of police custody.

“If you truly didn’t commit these crimes then let us prove it to them. And I will do everything I can to get out of here.” I mustered in my most sincere tone.

Adedayo’s face crinkled with hope as he placed his other hand on mine. “Arike..” he pursed his lips.

Tears welled up in my eyes again. “ to me Dayo..please...” my voice trailed off.