Modern Slavery


Theme: Modern slavery

Arike’s POV

My phone vibrated in my purse and when I took it out to check, it was an unsaved number.

“Is it Busayomi?” Bamidele asked.

“No..the number is not saved on my phone.” I answered.

“Do you want to pick it or ignore?” Bamidele asked again.

“I will pick up the call, it might be one of those police men I gave my number to at the station.” Then I swiped the green button to accept the call and put it on speaker.

“Hello...” I heard a feminine voice over the phone.

“Yes..please who am I speaking with?” I asked.

“Arike, it is you remember me? I am Adedayo’s sister.” The voice explained herself.

Recognition registered in my mind. “Oh Mrs have you been?” I asked.

“I have been good and forgive me for calling you unannounced.” She apologized.

“It is alright.” I answered.

“How have you been too?” She asked.

“I have been well..and alright too. I hope there is no problem ma?” I asked.