The only witness



Theme: The only witness

Arike’s POV

A loud gasp was heard in the court from the spectators and even the prosecuting attorney was speechless. I was sure that Shalewa would be shocked to find out that I had recorded our conversation that day.

“It is clear that Mrs Shalewa framed her husband just to enact revenge on him and she doesn’t feel remorseful about her deeds. My lord, with your permission I shall now call a witness to confirm the facts of text messages and test results. I call Doctor Nelson.” Bamidele said.

“Doctor Nelson!” The court bailiff called out.

Doctor Nelson stood up from where he was seated and went to the witness box. The court bailiff came to the front of the box.

“What’s your religion?” He asked.

“Christianity.” Doctor Nelson replied.

The bailiff handed him a Bible and Doctor Nelson took it in his right hand.

“Please repeat after me.” The bailiff instructed.