Chapter 4

Christian made his way next to his brother while I lowered my head and had no plans of raising it, but unfortunately, he wouldn’t let me. “Look at me.”

Just as I remembered his voice was strong and dominant. Even if I wanted to I could not disobey him, he seemed like a control freak and ordered people around like it was nothing. I raised my head to look at him and was surprised when his look had softened. How bad did I exactly look for him to lose his stoned expression?

“And she comes here by uber too, it’s late at night and not everyone is as nice as me, squirrel. You really have to look out for yourself, right Christian?” Enzo scolded me and looked at his brother for back up. I didn’t know that I was capable of feeling even more embarrassed but yet here I was.

I made eye contact with Christian who ignored his brother but kept observing me until I looked the other way to avoid his gaze.