Chapter 17

I got on the subway train and tried to look for any empty seats but unfortunately failed. I was heading to my first day of work and I felt exhausted. The lack of energy was very noticeable but I still tried to hide it. What if they would fire me when they found out about my pregnancy? That could not happen.

My belly did not look big and if anything I just seemed bloated, there were a few more weeks left before I would probably start showing so I would make use of those to save up as much money as I can, which started by taking the subway.

The last time I had been in one was when I still attended college which was already more than half a year ago. “Do you want to sit down?” A man asked me. Startled I looked down at my belly to see if I was perhaps showing more than I had expected to be, but that was not the case.

“You look exhausted.” The man smiled but I thanked him and shook my head to kindly reject his offer. “It’s only one more stop, don’t worry.”