Chapter 9

《Isabella Dawson》

My girl-friends and I were having breakfast with the guys at the cafeteria before our 10am class start. Yup except for one of our friends, Nathan Harrison. He still lock himself in his dorm, I think.

"Bella," I was about to take a bite of my sandwich when Sasha suddenly called my name.

"U-um....yes." I put the sandwich back on the plate which I haven’t have any chance to bite it yet.

"I think I left our assignment in our room!" She said with her eyes almost popped out. "I totally forgot about it."

I burst out of giggle as saw her reaction, "Don't worry, I already submitted this morning. Luckily I found it on the table where you left it."

"Oh...sorry about that." She grinned. "Thank you so much, Bella. I owe you one."

"Don't worry, it's not a big deal actually."