Chapter 52

《Isabella Dawson》

Ivy and Nick took a good of me while I was pregnant with my baby. Sometimes they even brought me to the park in order to take some fresh air, plus a pregnant woman also required to frequently walking so that they can give birth easily.

Sasha and Cecilia also brought me to the mall so we could buy some baby stuffs and they were so excited about it. They bought so many things for me and my baby even though I was still at early stage.

Surprisingly, I always craved for Nathan’s favourite food which was olio spaghetti and I could not eat anything instead of it. Luckily, I was not getting bored of it so, I just getting along with the baby so he will grow healthy until it is the time for me to give birth for him.

I rested myself at my room after ate my dinner which Ivy brought me. I just felt so weak today since I walked so much at the park accompanied by Nick, my cousin.