Chapter 66

《Isabella Dawson》

"Dr Dawson, there is an emergency in room 404!" A nurse came to me with a panic expression all over her face.

Room 404?


I quickly grab my lab coat from my chair, then rushing with the nurse towards the Nathan's room.

"One more time!!" I heard Sara's voice as I entered the room. She was about to give him a shock with the defibrillator. "One...."

His heart rate still didn't increase after she gave the shock.!

"Again...."she said. "Clear!!" She gave him another shock.

His heart beat finally increased and he's back, breathing normally after Sara gave him the second shock.

Oh god, thank you so much.

"Martin!!!" I saw Sara leaned closer to him and gave him a hug. "I'm so glad that you're awake now..."

He's awake?

I walked towards the bed so I could look at him a bit more closely.

He gave Sara a weak smile under the ventilator mask. His blue eyes wander around the room and stopped when saw me.