Chapter 68

《Nathan Harrison》

"Uncle!!!" I heard a kid voice entered my bedroom as I was still sleeping. "Uncle.....uncle, wake up...." My bed was shaking right now as someone was jumping on it continuously.

I laughed. "H-hey....stop it...." I sat back on the bed while rubbing my eyes. "I'm all awake, Danish." He then jumped into my hug as I was extending my both hands towards him.

"I miss you uncle....."he said to me while his small hands wrapping around my neck.

I smiled. "I miss you too, son."

"Son?" He's cute face is now facing me.

I nodded. "Yeah...son..."

He giggled. "Do you want to be my daddy, uncle?"

I pretended to think for a while to tease my cute son. "Ummm......"

He jumps in place, "Uncle!!" And his voice sounded like he was about to cry.

"Nathan!!!" Bella suddenly appeared at the door when heard Danish's voice. "Are you okay?" She seems a bit worried.

I grinned. "Yeah....I'm fine."