Gift for Carl Black

After lunch, they both came out of the restaurant. Once they got in the car, Carl Black asked her "Do you want to go shopping or somewhere else?"

Lisa thought for a while and said "No... Please drop me at Anna's place. I have some works with her."

"OK, then I'll stay with you."

Lisa was stunned. 'Why is this man so clingy today?' She planned to buy a gift for him since morning, but suddenly he came there from nowhere. Now that finally, she got the opportunity to execute her plan, he wanted to stay with her. How could she allow this to happen? She looked at him and said sternly "No need..... Don't you have anything to do?"


Carl Black couldn't believe his ears. Why was she chasing him out? He wanted to spend some more time with her. He was very disappointed and was feeling aggrieved. He asked her with a frown "Can't I stay with you?"

She looked away from him and said indifferently "No. We have some girly stuff to do."