Preparation for engagement

"Lazy boy... Get up. It's already half past 7. Why are you sleeping until now? Did you forget what day is today?"

Helen Black was furious and scolding Mack Black loudly. This was the day of engagement of Carl Black and Lisa Holmes. She had lots of works to do. How could she be relaxed? But seeing Mack Black sleeping till now, she got angry.

"Why are you shouting in the early morning?" Mack Black opened his eyes lazily and said those words. He had no intention to wake up. He took leave from his works. There was no hurry to wake up. After all, his brother had already hired a wedding planner. What would he do to wake up early? He continued sleeping completely ignoring his mother.

Helen Black was helpless. She shouted and knocked on the door again.

"Ah... Mom, what are you shouting for?"

"Why are you so shameless? Look at your brother. He is doing all the things alone. Can't you share the responsibility a little?"