In future try to trust me more

Days passed very quickly. Lisa started going to school as her father's condition improved a bit. During these days Carl Black dropped her in the morning and picked her up in the afternoon every day. Life was going smoothly for them.

Lisa and Anna Green were sipping coffee in the cafeteria after they finished classes. Anna Green looked at Lisa and asked "Did Daniel tell you anything about Neil?"

Lisa looked back to Anna Green and said shaking her head "No. He didn't call me these days."

Anna Green shrugged and leaned back to the chair. She sighed deeply and said "I can't sit here and wait for his call anymore. I'll go to the 'Y' city to find my brother. I'll take help from the police."

Lisa frowned and asked, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am. I can't waste any more time like this. It's already too late. Who knows what difficulties he is facing there?"