Mistaken Identity

Anna Green went directly to her apartment after parting with Lisa. When she was about to open the door of her house a deep voice came from behind her. "Hello, Miss Green."

She turned around instantly and saw a tall elegant handsome young man. He was wearing black pants and a white shirt. His deep green eyes were staring directly at her. She was puzzled. 'Who is this man? Why is he here? How does he know her name?' There were too many questions that she wanted to ask. She asked him "Who are you?"

He walked to her leisurely and said "I came here to discuss about your brother Neil."

Anna Green heaved a sigh of relief. Oh, it turned out that he was the private detective that Mr. Black assigned. After thinking this way, she smiled at him and said happily "Oh, then you are the private detective Andrew."

The thing was that she didn't know that Andrew was a middle-aged man and the person standing in front of her was a young man who was in his late twenties.