Accidental encounter Part- 1

At night Carl Black dialed Lisa's number. The call was connected after a few rings and he heard her sweet voice "Are you free now?"

"Hmm... Have you eaten dinner?"

"Yes. What about you?"

"Yes. Are you still angry with me?"

There was a short pause. Then he heard her "No, I was worried for you. You take care of yourself. Don't go jogging alone, don't go outside often. Be careful while going and coming back from college. You need to...."

"Lisa, I am fine. Don't worry." He interrupted her. He went silent for a few seconds. Then he continued "Are you free tomorrow?"


"I want to spend time with you."

"I am a little busy these days. There is an art college in the capital city. Every year they organize drawing competitions. Different schools from all over the country come to join that competition. Teachers also can join. This year our school is also going and it is next month. I am also preparing myself to participate in this. So I have lots of works."