Coming out of the coma

With a jerk, Carl Black opened his eyes widely and stared at the white ceiling motionlessly. His ears were buzzing and his vision was blurry. For a few minutes, he couldn't understand whether he was awake or dreaming. Everything seemed very unusual. His eyeballs were fixed at a certain point of the white ceiling and his body was also not moving at all. After a long time, the buzzing sound in his ears started fading gradually and he moved his gaze around the ward. He was not aware of where he was. He slowly turned his head only to see vaguely a person's sleeping figure on the sofa. He couldn't see his face. He blinked his eyes slowly a few times to see clearly but without his glasses, it was impossible for him to see clearly. He wanted to call him but his throat was so dry that he started coughing the moment he tried to speak.