Scheming against Carl Black

Daniel Brooke looked at her coldly and asked "Do you agree?"

"Why do you want to slander him?"

He glared at her and said "None of your business. If you want your son's custody, then you must do it without asking any questions. There is no way out."

"And if I don't agree then?"

He chuckled and said, "Then you won't be able to see your son's face for the rest of your life and I will make sure for this."

"You..." Angry, Professor Moore tightened her fist. She didn't think that Daniel Brooke would trap her so badly. Surely there was no way out for her.

She wanted her son's custody as her ex-husband got married to another woman and she was not treating her son well. But her ex-husband was not ready to give up.

She regained her sense by Daniel Brooke's next words "You want to give up your son for a mere fellow Professor? You are at a loss."

She looked at him and said, "If the management finds out that I leaked the paper then they will fire me."