Trapping her

Once they left after dinner Lisa sat down on the chair and waited for Carl Black. After waiting for a long time also he didn't come down. She even thought to go and call him, but after thinking about the pros and cons she decided to not disturb him and remained seated on the chair.

Several hours later, Carl Black came out of the study room and went directly to the bedroom thinking that Lisa might be sleeping, but he didn't find her there. Frowned, he walked out of the room and came down to the living room only to see her sleeping on the chair placing her head on the dining table. It was already midnight. He frowned and went to her. Tapping on her shoulder, he called "Lisa wake up."

She lazily opened her eyes and sat up straight. Rubbing her eyes, she said "You finished working. Let me warm the food."

She stood up and went to the kitchen. Carl Black followed her and asked, "Have you eaten?"

She casually replied "No."

"Why didn't you eat?" He raised slightly his voice.