Trying to please him

The next day morning when Lisa woke up she felt a warm arm around her waist. She looked down at his arm and turned her head to see his handsome face. His hairs were messy and some strands were fallen on his forehead. She extended her hand to push back his hair but her hands froze in the mid-air. She saw him opening his eyes and staring at her. She retracted her hand and tried to get up, but his grip tightened around her waist. Then she heard him saying "It's still early. Sleep for a while."

Lisa grabbed her phone and looked at the time. It was 6 in the morning. She couldn't help but ask "Aren't you going jogging today?"


"No? You didn't go yesterday too."

He frowned and looked at her coldly in surprise. Then he asked sternly, "You don't want to spend time with me?"

"I didn't...."

But he interrupted her "Last night also when I came back you fell asleep and now you are chasing me out. You are a merciless woman."