Catching the lady

"You..." Anna Green glared at him and wanted to curse him loudly but suddenly she remembered that she was chasing the lady. She waved her hand and said, "Forget it."

With that, she turned around and started walking again, but she didn't see the lady. Feeling frustrated, she stomped her foot and cursed in low voice "That good for nothing junior Black, he ruined everything." She then looked around if she could see the lady again.

Just then she heard Mack Black's voice from the top of her head "What did you say? Say it again?"

Closing her eyes, she clenched her fists and inhaled to suppress her anger. She looked up at him tilting her head on one side and asked "Why are you still after me? Can't you do your job? You already ruined my plan and now what do you want?"

Mack Black frowned deeply and asked "Ruined your job? Have you planned to knock someone down?"