Cherry blossom tree

Few more days had passed in a row. Carl Black had recovered much but not fully. He needed to stay a few more days in the hospital, but he was feeling bored, staying inside the four white walls, so he asked the doctor if he could go out for a while. The doctor told him to walk for some time in the garden of the hospital but warned him to not exert too much. Carl Black agreed happily and went out of the ward.

The mild breeze hit on his face the moment he came out to the garden. He inhaled deeply and could smell the faint fragrance of different flowers. The garden was huge with many flowering plants and trees. There were cemented benches on the sides. Many people in their blue patient’s uniforms were present there. Some of them were chatting with family members while sitting on the benches, some were walking slowly with the help of a family member or nurse and some were in a wheelchair.