The trick

The next day Daniel Brooke took Jasmine Brown to a resort, far away from 'X' city. The resort was located on the top of a hill. Once they reached their cottage, she came out to the terrace, attached to the bedroom, to see the view.

All the sides of the resort were covered with a large number of trees and plants. Some plants bore flowers of different colors which were quite different from those found in plain lands. Jasmine Brown had no idea what were the names of those flowering plants but she was enjoying the beauty of the scenery. From there she could see a rapidly flowing stream. Birds with beautiful feathers were flying and singing merrily. She felt relaxed instantly and inhaled deeply the fresh air closing her eyes and stretching her arms on both sides. There was a faint smell of wildflowers in the air. A wide smile brightened her face. She was very happy. She always dreamed to spend time with Daniel Brooke and her wish came true right now.