The beauty of the art

In the evening, while going back home, Dr. Valentine told the driver to take him to the art and craft store. Within half an hour, they reached a big art and craft store. He went inside and asked the attendee to pack a few packets of all the varieties of drawing supplies present in their store. After more than an hour, he came out of and a man was following him holding two huge carry bags. The driver opened the trunk and helped the man to put the bags while Dr. Valentine sat down on the back seat. Within a minute the car started running on the road.

Once he came back to the villa, he called the servants and asked them to arrange the drawing items in a room. After that, he asked them about Lisa and came to know that after having lunch she went to sleep and till now she didn’t come out of her room.

Nodding, he said “Good. Let her rest.” He then walked to his room which was next to her room.