I remember everything

Different emotions burst out inside Lisa's chest. She was angry as well as happy to recall their relationship. She was annoyed and irritated thinking that, despite knowing everything, he was keeping her away from him. Only one question arose in her mind ‘Why is he hiding this from me?’ Looking down at the photo, she sobbed quietly.

After finishing the preparation for the next day’s lecture, Carl Black came to his room and remembered that Lisa asked him to call. He checked the time. It was half-past ten at night. He thought she might be tired and sleeping. Sighing, he lied down on the bed but sleep was far away from him. After tossing and turning countless times, he couldn’t control his craving to hear her voice and finally he dialed her number.

Lisa was crying sitting on the bed, hugging her knees when she received his call. Wiping tears, she answered “Hello.”

Carl Black frowned to hear her hoarse voice. “Are you alright?”


“Have you taken your medicines?”