I will love you till the eternity

Why are you here?” Instead of answering him, he asked back another question.

“You are my son and it is my right to come and check you.” Thomas Brooke raised his voice slightly.

“But I don’t want to see your face.” Daniel Brooke turned away his face from him.

“Daniel, I have done all these for the safety of you and the family. Don’t forget that you are engaged with the daughter of Mr. Mayor and you know it very well that how rich and powerful he is. It will not take an hour for him to bring down our family. If you have given up your madness then nothing would have happened like this.” He sounded annoyed.

Daniel Brooke sat up on the sickbed and said “You are justifying a conspiracy to kill an innocent. Unbelievable, Dad. And, what about killing Alex and the detective? Because they were trying to tell me about you and for that you used Derek. How could you?” His furious tone sounded loud.