Shocking revelation

On the other end, Daniel Brooke reached the location with Derek before the police could reach them. Derek’s men spread everywhere in the area. There were many incomplete buildings and they didn’t know in which building Albert was hiding. Suddenly a voice came out from Derek’s walkie-talkie, saying “Two men were seen on the rooftop of the last building to the right side.”

“Got it,” Derek answered. They looked up at the last building and saw two men roaming around on the rooftop inspecting the surroundings. They were holding guns.

Derek looked at Daniel and said, “Now we should go ahead avoiding their eyes.”

Nodding, they approached carefully, hiding behind the stacks of bricks. When they came closer to the building, they saw dozens of men guarding the building. Daniel Brooke said “Derek, I need to go inside anyhow. Every passing second is dangerous for Lisa. Albert can do anything with her. Do something.” He was staring at the building anxiously.