Chapter 29

Asher and I have been dating for a week now.

He's been so sweet to me and we've been on a date everyday ever since he asked me out.

Stella has been acting weird ever since we had an argument in the closet at the movie theater.

Easton and Emma have been spending a lot of time together, but Easton looks miserable while Emma looks smug.

Everytime Stella and I hang out she tries to find a reason to bring up Easton, but I shut it down before she can continue.

I don't hate him, but I hate how he jumped to conclusions before confiding in me first.

Me, Stella, and Asher are currently at lunch. I'm sitting beside Asher and Stella is sitting across from us and is eating her food with a pissed expression on her face.

"Babe, we should go to the ice skating rink after school" Asher says as he looks at me with excitement written on his face which causes Stella to scoff