Eila, The Visionary

The best way to deal with such a situation is to put it out of my mind and focus on making the most of what I've found.


And after all, what would that accomplish anyway? Wouldn't the more things I learned and studied here eventually bring me closer to understanding just how different this place is from the human world?

Either way, that sounds better than sitting there without knowing what the hell is going on and wondering if it was worth it. Also, I would be less likely to get involved in any trouble. Sure… I guess so.

After all… this is only the beginning and this might not turn out as bad as it seems. There has to be at least some good coming out of this.


With that, I enter the old ruined house… It looks like nobody has lived here for a while despite there being people living here… 

Though I thought it would be more than just a house it really is just a house.