Getting Treated

This time around, the battle phone was easy to spot as it's lying on the ground beside the corpse of the girl. I picked it up and tried to see whether I could open the damn phone or not. 

It does open up and what surprised me was the logo that I see the moment the phone boots up to the main menu. As it wasn't the zodiacs of Gemini on the screen, instead it was the zodiacs, Leo. 

Seeing that surprised me for a bit since I thought that this would be Gemini. I then began to think whether the girl's word was true, that she's the wielder of Leo but… I still can't believe it and I come to the conclusion that this girl here must have stolen this battle phone from that doctor, that's why I couldn't find it when I was searching the doctor's corpse before. 

I then continued to search for the Gemini battle phone but I wasted almost a few minutes here. Yet I still didn't find the phone at all. I do want to keep on searching…