Chapter 43

After the talk with Elder Kaylin, the three of us headed back to our tents to get sleep, well Sandra and I did, apparently, Misty didn't need sleep and was somewhat nocturnal in nature. She could act both in the day and night, but apparently, she felt safer in the night, which I guess made sense considering chances of being seen or anyone finding out what she was were lower in the night.

We woke up only hours later and to my surprise, the camp wasn't as silent as I expected. It was much quieter than it had been, but there were still dozens of people moving about and to my relief the guards had been doubled and were actively patrolling the perimeter, not to mention that I spotted groups of guards heading out, probably to do scout work.

I didn't know if the number of guards was normal or if it was because of what we'd told them, but either way, it was definitely a good thing.