Chapter 50

Zirani and I ended up having quite a nice time just relaxing together, and after an hour or so, I stacked up two plates full of food and brought them back to the tent. Fighting, training, and the thrill of using the aether was good and all, but I had to admit sometimes it was stuff like this I wanted. Just relaxing and being near the people I loved. It was still hard to believe sometimes that Zirani and I had only known each other for about two weeks yet we were already so close. I'd never stop being grateful for the fact that I'd found her and that she was in my life and I was happy to know that she mirrored my emotions.

At the start, I hadn't wanted to say it, but the bond had been odd, and the fact she could read my thoughts was disconcerting, but now, I didn't care, in fact, I liked being linked this closely, and now I could read her emotions, and although I wasn't able to know what she was thinking exactly, I could get a good impression of it.