Chapter 74

"Now, grab one each then follow me," Kaylin said. "There's not much time left. The twin horn will be here within the next two hours, and we must be set up by then or this will all be a waste, and because our attack will be a signal to the rest of the steel heart."

We all picked up a box then proceeded to follow Kaylin until we finally reached the area he had been speaking about. It was very clear now how exactly things were going to work out and why these explosions could do a lot of damage. The pathway to the gap the steel heart were now occupying wasn't particularly large and would mean that the twin horn forces would be tight and clumped together.

"Alright I want you to move into pairs then position yourselves down this path, around ten meters away from each other," Kaylin commanded. "I want each of these explosions to take out as many of the twin horn as possible."