Chapter 173

Zirani's mother had once told her that she'd know when she found the one, the person who she would love. At the time, Zirani had brushed her aside, and ignored her. She hadn't cared for that sort of love back then, just the green. She had been a free spirit and as much as many thought her naive, she wasn't hated by anyone in the verdant court. In her aunt's court, yes, but not her mother's.

Life had been well, and for three hundred years she had stayed safe in the lands of the court, protected by the greatest nature arcanists around, and above all of them stood those two. She had only ever uttered their names twice, and both times she had regretted it. To attract the attention of one of them was to be like an insect under inspection, feeling utterly helpless as something beyond your understanding looked down at you. That was one of the reasons she had made sure Aiden and the girls never uttered such names, even thinking them was too dangerous as the intent could be sensed.