Chapter 189(18+)

I sensed Misty before I saw her, and I welcomed the calming feelings and warm embrace. I was calmer now, though there was still anger, simmering below the surface. I would need to learn to tame and control it, as Misty was doing with her inner beast.

Anger was good, but could also blind, and lead to trouble if not harnessed, if not controlled.

"What happened?" Misty asked as she pulled back. 'I guessing it might have something to do with the Umbrin clan member I saw storming off?"

I nodded. "He is the problem."

"But one we can handle," Zirani said.

"Oh most certainly," Aeverie assured. "He is too simple, and foolish to pose any real threat. I'm not sure what he might do next. Perhaps a trick or two, that would be interesting, but ultimately lead to his demise."

Misty raised an eyebrow. "Ok, good to know, but what happened?"